ǝʌᴉɟ ʎʇuǝʍʇ ɐɹʇxǝ

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Chen Xu first brushed his lips against Pei Hao's, but there was no response from the person beneath him. It seemed as if he had obtained permission, as his actions grew bolder. His lips drew closer and he gently sucked a few times.

Wanting to continue, suddenly the person beneath him opened his eyes wide, and a hand firmly grabbed his chin, forcefully moving his mouth away.

A cold glint flashed in Pei Hao's eyes as he looked at him ominously, saying, "What are you doing?"

This was the first time Chen Xu had seen such a fierce expression on Pei Hao's face. He trembled in fear and tried to explain a few words, but his chin was sore from the grip, and he couldn't speak.

Pei Hao was about seven or eight parts drunk, his body not quite coordinated, and his head feeling dizzy, but his mind was clear. He vaguely knew that he had returned home, and from the moment he started drinking the hangover cure, he believed the person beside him was Mo Xi. It was only when the unexpected kiss came that he felt something was off – the touch was different, and the scent was wrong.

He forced himself to open his eyes and, after recognizing the person in front of him, his heart raced like he had seen a ghost. A shiver ran down his spine, and his mind instantly became much clearer.

Damn it! He should have realized that Chen Xu had feelings for him a long time ago.

Seeing Chen Xu wince in pain, Pei Hao let go of his hand and sat up irritably on the sofa.

What the hell was this mess? Thank God Xiao Xi isn't here...

However, the next second, he saw Mo Xi standing in the doorway of the living room, his face pale. Pei Hao's heart trembled for a moment, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

He sprang up from the sofa like a spring, rushing in Mo Xi's direction, but because of the forceful movement or perhaps because he was still a bit dizzy, he tripped over the corner of the coffee table, falling to his knees and feeling a sharp pain. The world spun around him, and he saw stars.

Chen Xu moved forward, wanting to help him up, but Pei Hao swatted his hand away. He turned his head and coldly ordered him to leave. Chen Xu gazed at Pei Hao's darkened expression and felt that this person was not joking at all. His heart was in turmoil, and he fled as if escaping.

When Pei Hao finally got up from the floor, Mo Xi had already locked himself in the bedroom. Pei Hao leaned against the door, knocking gently and calling out, "Xiao Xi."

"Just a moment," Mo Xi's voice came from inside the bedroom. He changed out of his pajamas and grabbed his bag. Standing at the door, he took a deep breath and said to Pei Hao with feigned ease, "I'm sorry for disturbing you and your boyfriend. I'll find another place to stay."

The air felt frozen, and Pei Hao sensed that something was different. The subtle understanding that he and Mo Xi had built up over this time seemed to have disappeared.

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