uǝʌǝs ɐɹʇxǝ

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After lying in the hospital for a week, Pei Hao's hands could finally eat normally. During this time, Pei Yi Xin only visited him once, and that was because Song Wanqin forcibly dragged him there.

When Song Wanqin went out to find the doctor, the father and son sat in the hospital room, awkwardly staring at each other. Later, when the doctor came in to examine the leg injury, Song Wanqin deliberately asked Pei Yi Xin to help support Pei Hao's leg. Reluctantly, Pei Yi Xin touched Pei Hao lightly.

Pei Hao understood his old man's stubbornness very well. If he didn't provide an opportunity for him to save face, the old man would never willingly back down. So, while his father was helping support his leg, Pei Hao softly said, "Thank you."

In an instant, the old man released Pei Hao's leg, which was encased in a cast. He snorted disdainfully but his expression seemed to soften a bit.

Afterward, Pei Yi Xin got busy with some company matters. He was flying around to meet clients and hadn't been at the hospital for a long time.

However, others who heard about Pei Hao being in the hospital came to visit. Pei Hao turned away those he wasn't close to, but for those like Egg Brother with whom he had a rapport, he shared the hospital's address.

On the day that Fu Yan came, it was drizzling rain outside. Pei Hao looked through the window at the gloomy sky. Raindrops fell steadily from the eaves, interweaving into a gray web that enveloped the hospital. The central avenue of the hospital was deserted, and with closed eyes, he could hear the rhythmic tapping of raindrops on the window glass, like percussion instruments, somewhat muffled. Pei Hao was about to fall asleep when he saw Fu Yan, dressed casually, holding a bouquet of flowers, knocking on the door and entering.

Fu Yan had always been good-looking, different from Pei Hao's sharp and rebellious demeanor. He carried an air of humility and grace, like a gentleman, exuding an aura of elegance. No matter how jealous people were of him, once they saw him smile, they had to admit that he was so gentle that you couldn't bring yourself to hate him.

In middle school, Pei Hao was a bit of a rebel. He didn't listen to teachers and didn't like interacting with others. Coupled with having a face that attracted girls, many people didn't like him. Fu Yan appeared during his rebellious phase, being the mediator who hung out with him and his classmates, covering for him when things went wrong.

Pei Hao was lazy; he didn't care about what others thought and didn't bother with other people's affairs. However, he was willing to do a lot for Fu Yan. Undoubtedly, Fu Yan held a special place in his heart.

But he didn't know when Mo Xi gradually entered his sight – a silly-looking boy who wasn't into basketball but wanted to join the basketball team, didn't like Japanese yet signed up for Japanese classes, and often stared straight at Pei Hao for a long time, not hiding his affection.

His fearless approach to liking someone, crashing into you with enthusiasm, appearing in front of you every two to three days – it was impossible for Pei Hao not to notice.

The day Mo Xi confessed, Pei Hao had an important basketball game. There were hundreds of spectators at the scene, and he spotted Mo Xi in the crowd – wearing their team uniform, with a white headband that read "Victor," a typical display of teenage exuberance. Every time Pei Hao scored, Mo Xi danced with excitement, even happier than if he had won himself. After the game, they won by two points, and Pei Hao's teammates invited him to dinner to celebrate. Pei Hao looked at Mo Xi, who had been unable to approach him, and said, "I'll catch up with you later, go ahead."

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