Can You Believe It?

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The yeti hadn't perished at my hand but was dead nonetheless, I still feel kinda unsatisfied though...Probably 'cuz I fell down that cliff, that was the second scariest thing that had ever happened to me. It felt like I had been falling for thirteen seconds before I drew the vortex. "The back is mostly unscathed, we'll use that" Radioactive mind said to me, I used my knife to help carve the flesh off the yeti's back and it was a lot harder than I thought it'd be. I used another vortex to get home, told Radioactive Mind to fashion the yeti's fur into a poncho and get back into the paragon once he'd finished. I want to find out some way to remove the curse cast upon me which makes it impossible to heal but have no idea where to even start. I don't know any fairies and I think the yeti broke one of my ribs 'cuz it hurts to breathe and my chest feels uneven.

The poncho was finished by the time I went to check up on Radioactive Mind, it didn't turn out too bad but I'm just glad I have something to keep warm when I'm away from Dragon.

I just tried it on, it fits pretty big so I won't be needing a replacement anytime soon "hey Arnkatla, sorry for snapping on you earlier, there is no excuse" is what Taraji said to me after noticing me leave Dragon's hut I didn't take it personally but appreciated her apology, I responded with a simple "thanks".

"I see you've found the fur coffers" is how she responded. I had no idea what she meant by that though so I told her about the yeti and she told me "y'know there's a building full of furs and skins right over there...It's good that you're wearing your own kill though" I couldn't believe my ears, what a waste of time.

"Come out, Radioactive Mind" Arnkatla commanded upon entering Dragon's hut, as instructed, Radioactive Mind emerged from the paragon of magic followed by a spectacle of lime green rays of light. "I need a fairy, come help me look" Arnkatla said, placing the paragon of magic into her leather satchel.

"Where to?" he asked

"Funkytown, I lived there 'till I was six..." Arnkatla said insightfully before casting a whirling cyan vortex on the wall behind her and hesitating momentarily, realising the others hadn't a clue where she was going. Dragon was off coast with Star so she hadn't a choice but to tell Taraji, she withdrew the vortex and set foot outside the hut "who're you gonna tell?" Radioactive Mind inquired. Arnkatla said not a word, only heading in the direction of Cinders's hut which was Taraji's living place, Radioactive Mind followed, peering into the near future to read Arnkatla's intents. "Hello, Arnkatla" Taraji said gleefully as they approached the hut's entrance "I'm off to Iceland" Arnkatla said, slowly realising that Taraji had never been to nor heard of Funkytown.

"Oh...Well, stay safe out there youngin" said Taraji, saluting casually before Arnkatla manifested yet another vortex afront herself and eagerly jumping within followed closely by Radioactive Mind. They emerged from the vortex to find themselves within Funkytown's walls, just barely past the heavily guarded, imposing gatehouse. "Hey! Get over here! Alchemy's forbidden in this place!" a praetorian guard called out from behind them, Arnkatla cursed under her breath before slowly turning to face the purple steel clad guard. He was a bipedal salamander teal in colouration. "We want no trouble, just a directory" Radioactive Mind pleaded, the guard paused momentarily "what're you looking for?" he said in compromise.

"Any fairies, really" Arnkatla said with a shrug, the guard looked back at one of his comrades atop the gatehouse, she nodded at him before he turned to face Arnkatla once again. "Over there" the guard said, pointing at the Westminster Academy, Arnkatla mentally kicked herself for not considering the academy as a viable option.

Westminster looked pretty much the same as when I left three years ago, except for the new monuments beside the staircase leading up to the main entrance, I couldn't tell what they were for the life of me but they looked pretty nonetheless. The doors opened a lot smoother than they usually did, they must've hired a new maintenance crew or something because the tiled white and purple floors smelled strongly of polish. Ms.Lionfang, the principal, stood like 3 feet away from the door as I opened the door which I thought was kinda weird, she said "Arnkatla! It's been awhile! Where're your parents?".

Why did she have to ask that? I almost started to cry and I think she could tell, she placed a hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off, I told her about my curse and y'know what she said? "We don't just rectify anyone's curse" can you believe it? What a bitch...Anyways, she pulled out a paragon of magic from her purse and from it came ANOTHER Radioactive Mind, the red guy we fought in Netherstead and some other metallic thing I had never seen before. I was as confused as ever so I asked Radioactive Mind what the hell was happening and he just told me "those are the others like me, Screwface and Elec-Trick". He said a lot without saying much if you get me. They faced me standing in an evenly spaced row in front of Ms.Lionfang who said we had to "best them in combat" to undo the curse. I knew there was no way in hell that we'd win the fight so I took a step back. "Please do it, she's only 12" Radioactive Mind said, I never asked him to defend me but I'm glad he did, though it didn't matter, the principal said it was part of a policy that made it so that if someone who wanted a curse removed wasn't strong enough, they could go fuck themselves. I told her to suck a fat one and left the building, telling Radioactive Mind to follow, he told me we could search for more fairies but I probably won't live to find another one. He could probably tell what I was thinking by my expression 'cuz he told me "we can beat her, but beware, it is a long and dangerous road".

Hey! I really liked writing that and want to know what you all think, good or bad, don't be shy to let me have it! Do you think Arnkatla is a good kid or perhaps a menace to society? Tell me! And yeah, there are an infinite amount of those things that people can acquire, like Pokemon.

Arnkatla's Semi Heroic Quest(s)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz