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I totally thought I was gonna die to those tentacles just then, that was the scariest thing that's ever happened to me in a while...Neb doesn't seem bothered by it even though he was in even more danger than I was! What a champ...I'm gonna try my best to not let the pain get to me which is starting to get harder and harder the more I go on, that just makes me wanna beat the gauntlet even faster though so maybe it's a blessing in disguise. Radioactive Mind just said that he's got 22 kills so far so we're more than one tenth of the way to finishing his part, he also asked if I needed a break but I told him there's no way in hell I'm stopping until we're done with this place. My eye socket is starting to hurt a little less but my chest aches like crazy because of the hammer the exclamation mark threw at me a few moments ago. I can hardly raise my left arm above my head because of that thing.

Before long, the group encountered another moderately sized battalion of sentient punctuation marks and engaged them in a brief melee, of course they emerged the victors "that makes 48" Radioactive Mind pointed out. During the skirmish, they hadn't sustained any further injuries sparing the loss of Neb's left leg which had been cleaved off by the bladed arm of an apostrophe. However, he was able to easily mend his wound using his wizardly powers so they carried onwards until they grew tired "I've gotta sleep..." Arnkatla said, collapsing onto the ground.

"I asked you earlier, you said no" Radioactive Mind said "I'll keep watch while you sleep, I'll wake you if I'm overwhelmed" he added post-heartedly, without another word, Dragon, Fizzle and Neb lay on the lumpy purple ground in a tight group. They all fell into a deep, dreamless slumber for several hours before they were awoken by the panicked shouts of Radioactive Mind "99 kills! 99 kills! The boss is coming!" he hollered, causing the sleeping quartet to jerk awake from their deep sleep.

"What's all this about a boss? You haven't mentioned anything about bosses until now!" Dragon exclaimed.

"It's the final soul I need to collect, it'll either be a combination of things you've seen or one of the magical guardians who usually protects the tower of ancient magic!" Radioactive Mind informed. Suddenly, the ground around them began to tremble ominously before a relatively narrow ring shaped trench appeared around them, it instantaneously filled itself with a sticky lime green substance, the same colour as Radioactive Mind's acid. "Son of a bitch!" Neb exclaimed in fright, inching away from the acid filled trench. Spontaneously, an imposing figure manifested itself just four feet in front of them in the form of a towering pale orange carnotaurus. Its body was littered with spindly needles and small hooks which looked almost manmade "I've never seen anything like that in my life! What're you on about!?" Fizzle yelled. Before they could initiate any attacks, the carnotaurus unhinged its jaw, revealing a double barrel shotgun sloppily bolted to the roof of its mouth, the shotguns fired a volley of red hot pellets aimed squarely at Arnkatla. Dragon lept in front of her as to prevent undue suffering to little avail, just one of the pellets struck Arnkatla's right ankle causing her to tumble to the ground "Ah! Shit!" Arnkatla exclaimed in agony. Before Arnkatla could enact evasive measures, the carnotaurus lunged towards her with its mouth agape but not before Fizzle struck it to the ground with a hefty left hook. The carnotaurus retaliated with yet another volley of shotgun rounds, peppering Fizzle's head with lead and sending her stumbling for balance "this isn't how it's supposed to play out, they must've changed the rules recently" Radioactive Mind pointed out in an inappropriately calm tone. "And what in Odin's name is that s'posed to mean!?" Dragon exclaimed in an inquisitive tone.

"It means I have no idea what we're supposed to do in this fight," Radioactive Mind replied.

"Like you'd tell us anyway!" Neb yelled matter of factly as he cast a wind bending fireball into the carnotaurus's mouth, doing no damage whatsoever "oh come the hell on, why does EVERY enemy we fight have to have some STUPIDLY complicated ability that makes them almost IMPOSSIBLE to kill without instructions!?" Neb yelled, referring to no one in particular. Swiftly, the carnotaurus jolted its head to the right to face Dragon who had prepared to take a shot. To his dismay, the carnotaurus lunged forwards and entrapped Dragon's neck within its mighty jaws. Dragon squirmed and struggled to no avail, the grip of the beast's jaw on his neck was far too strong. In an act of protection, Fizzle unhinged her jaw and enveloped the carnotaurus' head in flames, causing its grip on Dragon's neck to weaken, allowing him to break free. As Dragon began to prepare his counterattack, the carnotaurus peppered his face and chest with a volley of shotgun pellets. He stumbled for balance before ultimately toppling to the ground, tripping over his own feet "look out!" Neb exclaimed before hurtling over Dragon's chest and launching a swirling sphere of flames at the carnotaurus's left eye. It called out in strife before Arnkatla withdrew a vial of sentient razors from her satchel and threw it at the carnotaurus's left eye, upon escaping the shattered vial, the razors burrowed beneath the carnotaurus's eyelid. It was finished.

There was no explanation for that thing's death just now, it didn't seem to be hurt by anything we hit it with until I thought we were about to lose which I thought was weird. Anyway, when it died, an "L" shaped gold bar appeared next to the carcass, Radioactive Mind told me it was one of the three "soul thingamabobs" we came here for, thank Odin for that.

I just attached the soul thingamabob to the paragon of magic and it's now fused to the thing like glue, I hope that doesn't mean I screwed it up somehow since I nearly died for that damn thing. Dragon says that it's probably nothing to worry about and I believe him...mostly, still, I can't help but feel like I've done something "against the rules" I just don't wanna go back to hell. We're only one third of the way through the gauntlet but I already feel like we've been in here for weeks...there's no way of keeping track of time since there's no sun in here which only makes it worse. I just wanna get this over with so hopefully this is the hardest part of the WAGED thing cuz if it isn't, I'm not ready for what's next, no way in hell. We all just got taken to a random clearing, I think it's where we started the gauntlet but it's really hard to tell since everything looks the same in this damn place, I'll try Screwface next, he seems strong...

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