Timel Leap

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Arthur POV

Flying on Sylvie's back, I watched as golden rays of mana were fired at us from whatever remained of the once majestic palace. I wanted to counter them with aether blasts, but my damaged core stopped me from doing so. All aether in my body and core currently worked on fixing a scratch that formed on my core, making me barely able to even summon Tempus warp from my dimensional rune

In Sylvie's claws next to me was Chul,  completely exhausted from his previous fight with scythes and retainers. Even without the ability to sense it, I could tell that he had almost no mana left. His fierce eyes always that shone from his overwhelming Phoenix mana now lost almost all of their shine, his usual bright personality lost in grief of failure

Through our bond, I could feel Sylvie's exhaustion after getting almost all of her mana drained by Legacy. Even keeping her mighty dragon form seemed to be hard for her at that moment, and on top of that, she also had to carry two grown men, which didn't make her job any easier

' Arthur, I don't know how much longer I will be able to hold this form' Sylvie complained, her voice noticeably weaker than it usually is 

' Dammit ' I cursed at our bad luck, but before anything, at my carelessness during the fight with the enemy as fearsome as Cecil is

" Chul" I shouted and threw him the Tempus warp " You have to activate it!" I ordered

' Sylvie, take your human form, you are too big to pass through like that ' 

She seemed uncertain, afraid that now that the relic armor is gone she won't be able to control her power and that she will lose control once again

' Don't worry, it will be fine ' I reassured her as much as I could, even though I wasn't sure it will be

Entering the portal, I felt the world disorient and the space started shifting, filling me with reassurance that everything would be fine

Looking back, I saw Cecil approach us at great speed, and to my horror, enter the portal right behind us. The wound I left on her chest was prevented from bleeding by an unimaginable amount of mana she controlled

Her furious eyes that once looked at me with warmth and love when Tessia was in control of her body sent chills down my currently powerless spine. Her beautiful wavy gunmetal hair remained the same for the most part, except for the decorations she now had unlike the warrior-like hairstyle Tess preferred

Looking at Tessias's body like that pained me, knowing that I couldn't save her. That's why I decided to kill her when Cecil was distracted, to make it as painless for her as possible

But I failed

In the end I hesitated and failed to at least put my girlfriend out of her misery


An explosion of aether pulled me out of such thoughts. Looking next to me, Sylvie once again lost control over her abilities and the atmosphere in the portal started acting up

' Papa ' she called out to me, forgetting that she had a long time ago became too embarrassed to call me that

' Hold on Sylv! ' I shouted, desperately trying to calm the storm she was causing but without success. Aether refused to listen to me, acting as if I was his ex he had no more interest in

But still, I fought, trying to milk any aether from my core and stabilize her spell and the portal. In my struggle, I felt aether reaching the godstep rune and activating it, pulling on to tether link that connected me with Regis and Relictombs

In the next moment, Regis came to us with purple lightning and as if he was not fazed by the situation, immediately entered my core to help me control aether and my core

TBATE: Love through timeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat