What has to be said

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Arthur POV

The melodic chirping of the birds and the gentle touch of the morning summer sun woke me up from my dreams. Next to me, gunmetal hair was scattered around the pillow, covering the face of a sleeping beauty

Covered in bandages and bruises, Tess slept next to me, relaxed as if there was nothing she was worried about in this world

Removing some hair from her face, I was able to look at her peaceful, relaxed expression. Her contours were highlighted by morning sunlight, creating a scene like out of a Disney princess stories

Unable to resist the temptation, I kissed her cheek. At first, I wanted to do so on her forehead, but the bondage did a good job of preventing me

Her long eyelashes started wavering, and in a moment she was awake, her eyes looking at me unfocused. The way she looked at me was enough to tell me that she wasn't aware of where she was or what was happening around her

" Good morning," I said with a flirty voice, intent on teasing her

Sobering up, her face grew redder with every moment of our eyes meeting. The blush was spreading as fast as a disease, and before I knew it, it reached her ears and exited through them in the form of steam

" Kyaa! " she shouted, jumping up and covering herself with my bed sheets

It's not like she had to cover herself as she was still wearing the same hospital clothes she did yesterday when she came and fell asleep while I was away

But still, the fact that I knew that didn't stop me from teasing her, after all, isn't an embarrassed girlfriend the same as a cute girlfriend

" You don't have to cover up Tess" I said, my voice even more flirty than before " I already saw all you are hiding yesterday" Of course I did, she was still dressed after all

Hearing this, her face became crimson red and she hid under the covers. Looking at her, I could see the covers shaking, or rather Tess under them doing so

I don't know if this is normal or not, but I even saw her completely naked back when we lived in the castle, that time both of us were broken after the invasion on Elenoir and fight for the wall, so I don't think she should react like this now

Suddenly, the shaking stopped

" Wait! " Tess said from under covers and threw them off, revealing herself completely

" I am completely clothed! " she shouted, once again red from embarrassment. The reason for it is different though

" I know that," I said with a deadpan expression

" You perverted old jerk! " she shouted and started hitting me with a pillow, her cheeks red

Putting my hands up, I made little to no effort to defend myself. This was just too cute, and both of us were aware that this was also just another way for us to flirt

After about a minute, I grabbed her hand, and pushed her onto the bed, keeping her legs from moving by almost sitting on them. I looked at her lying down on the bed defenseless

She looked away, her cheeks flushing even more, her eyes shining with expectations

I had to admit, seeing her like this, even with that young body, I had a hard time controlling myself, so I reached down and kissed her gently

Under the warmth of my soft lips, Tessia moaned in pleasure. I was tempted to move my hand lower, to feel her, to take her, and I saw in her eyes and body language that she was ready as well, but I didn't do that. It was not right to make it happen like this

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