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Arthur POV

Standing in front of my family, I carefully watched every move Cecil was making. Considering her last words before we went back, I was sure that she would try to kill me and my family now that she had the chance. But I won't let her

" Arthur? "

" Brat? "

" Art? "

" Big brother? "

I heard people around calling me, but I paid them no mind. I couldn't let my guard down, it was not the place or time for that

' Sylvie when the fight breaks out I want you to take everyone and run from here ' I ordered, something I usually never do to Sylvie

I could feel the aether in the atmosphere reacting to my will, bending the space around as if it was made out of rubber

Everyone around me looked surprised, unsure of what was going on. It seemed that only Virion realized bits of what was happening. He couldn't sense aether or my aura, but years of experience sharpened his senses enough so he could tell when the danger was near

Needless to say, to him, it seemed as if the one in danger was Tessia - or at least her body - and not them

I looked carefully at Cecil's eyes, waiting for a moment when they in all of their naivety reveal the moment she would attack, but I found something entirely different. Those eyes that just hours ago looked at me with disgust, hatred, and anger - now looked at me with the same love and kindness as they did in the past

Tears welled up in them, and Cecil, no, I was sure it was no longer her, Tessia looked at me with a nostalgic and happy smile

" Thank you for saving me, Art" She smiled while saying that so radiantly that it felt like the room brightened 

It's impossible to put what I felt at that moment into words. It was as if the weight was lifted off my heart, and some kind of dam broke, releasing the wild river of happiness that overflowed me, filling me with unimaginable happiness

" Tess... ia?" I said, still uncertain, unable to believe that she was really back

" What is it Art? " she asked with a cocky smile

Without thinking and with happiness overflowing me, I instinctively activated burst step, reaching Tess in an instant and hugging her

Holding her in my arms, I ignored surprised gasps and yelps from people around me. I don't know if they were more surprised by my speed or my show of affection toward the elven princess, but I didn't care. The only thing that mattered at that moment was that she is back, that I can embrace her like this again

' Legacy being gone is also important, you know? ' Regis said ironically

' Shut up Regis! ' Sylvie added, and I ignored their argument

" I am so glad" I kissed her on the forehead and whispered just loud enough only for Tess to hear

" Yeah" she answered, resting her face on my chest

For a moment, it felt as if there was only us in this world. Nothing mattered, only that we held each other in an embrace, that we could feel our heartbeats rise the more we were together, that our breathing was in the same rhythm. For that short moment, we were the only thing that mattered to each other

Creating some distance between our faces, I looked Tess in the eyes. The way she looked at me with full trust, and passion as if I was the only man in the world made my heart flutter. I couldn't resist the temptation and placed my hand on her cheek as if to confirm that she was really here, that I was not dreaming

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