014 i remember it all too well

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"So what happened between you and Theseus?" Melinda wondered, holding a warm cup of coffee between her hands. Ariadne stared at her for a moment, blocking out the surrounding conversations as chatter from the small cafe filled her ears. There was a light smell of coffee beans that wafted through the warm building. It was busier than usual as employees left their workplace for their lunch break. It was muggle owned, something that both Ariadne and Melinda didn't mind.

"It happened when we were in Hogwarts," Ariadne started.

"What 20 years ago? You're both still holding onto something that happened when you were kids?" Melinda exclaimed, surprise overtaking her features.

"Well, it only sounds bad when you put it like that," Ariadne set down her cup, almost too timid to continue.

"So, what did happen?"

"Well, we were quick friends for a bit. Then he stopped talking to me and then..." she trailed off, furrowing her eyebrows as she thought about her 17 year old self, "He embarrassed me in front of the whole school with a prank he planned, that was what I never forgave him for."

"Wasn't he in Hufflepuff?"

"Hufflepuffs are only stereotypically nice," Ariadne shook her head, brushing off Melinda's assumption, "Plus, he had Gryffindor friends that helped him. Slytherin and Gryffindor always had bad blood."

"I never understood that," Melinda mused, pondering the thought in her mind.

"What house were you in?" Ariadne asked, curiously.

"Ravenclaw," she answered and Ariadne nodded.

"I think it was 'cause most of the pureblooded students were sorted into Slytherin and then made fun of muggleborns. Gryffindor students were the only ones brave enough to stand up for everyone," Ariadne explained, remembering all the times when a Gryffindor student would rival with a Slytherin. It was all so stupid, but it was also drilled into them. Blood prejudice surrounded every pureblooded child and it was hard to think otherwise. Ariadne had been in that situation but for her, escape had been easier.


"He also never treated me the same after all that," Ariadne added, going back to their original topic, "We just kept going after all these years. I don't think I've ever received an apology or given one."

"Maybe you both just need to talk to each other," Melinda mentioned softly.

"I've tried. He's tried. We both end up screaming at each other," she revealed.

"Maybe you should start listening."

"Harder than it seems," Ariadne smiled, admitting that part of this was her fault.

"I believe in you," Melinda checked the clock hung on the wall of the shop, "We should get going. Barracus needs me back," they got up, smiling at the older man who sat behind the counter. Putting on their warm coats, they started walking back.

"What are you going to do after he retires?"

"I'll still be the Head Auror's assistant," Melinda shrugged, "It's just a question of who?" Giving the other girl a pointed look.

"I submitted my application yesterday," she said with a fond roll of her eyes.

"Well, for my sake. I do hope you get the position."

"Me too. Me too."

Courage was never one of Ariadne's strong traits, and when she saw Theseus with his group of friends, there wasn't an ounce of courage in her. Maybe if she was a little braver, she would storm up to him and demand an answer, but this version of her wouldn't let her do that. She would not embarrass herself further. She still didn't know why he stopped talking to her. One minute they were sharing Christmas presents, the other he was giving her harsh glares.


The letter.

Of course. That was it. He had sent her letters over the holidays. That was his owl tapping on her bedroom window. It was also the same letters that her father had read and burned.


He thought that she had ignored him. His silent treatment and harsh stares was payback. She got it now, except, what would she do next? 'Hey, yep, my dad burned your letters and told me never to talk to you ever again.' He wouldn't get it. He lived with a proper family, one that loved him no matter what. There would be no sympathy for her. He wouldn't understand.

Ariadne trailed after Irma and Alva, hugging her books tightly as she listened to the new gossip that ran around the school. Walking around the school's corridors, they made their way to their next class. A younger girl crossed their paths, keeping her head down and her footsteps soft. This didn't stop Irma from noticing the girl, pointing at her while Alva laughed.

"Mudblood," Irma spat, knocking the books from the girl's hands while Alva giggled, then walked away and Ariadne sighed. Gently walking over, she kneeled down and collected the younger girl's items. A hand reached out to grab the same book as her and she glanced up to find Edwin smiling at her. When they had picked up everything they gave the younger girl her books.

"You carry a lot," Edwin joked, trying to bring light to the situation.

"I tend to lose things when I place them down," she brushed blonde hair from her face and looked shyly down at her shoes, warm blushing coating her cheeks.

"Don't listen to what they have to say about your blood," Ariadne started, "They're wrong to make fun of you because of it."

"Thank you," she smiled gratefully at the both of them before walking away, leaving Ariadne staring at the spot where she once stood.

"I can't believe them," Ariadne scowled, "That's just cruel."

"They grew up like that. It's almost not their fault," he replied softly, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"We broke free."

"We're one in a million, Ariadne," unbeknownst to them, a group of scheming boys had seen Irma and Alva's interaction with the younger girl; they also saw the girl's glum expression when she left Ariadne and Edwin. With that, they decided to take matters into their own hands.

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little flashback into Ariadne's days at hogwarts. Also where my petty lads at? keeping a 20 yr grudge yikes ...


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