029 the moment i knew

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The office was empty except for a few stragglers. The clock was well past 6pm and a group of three were trying to peer into the Head Auror's office without looking too suspicious. Theseus had missed a lot of lunch breaks for an assignment that Travers had given him. Actually, that was his excuse every time they asked. He was so caught up with his work and whatever task Travers gave him, he became a puppet, strictly tied to the role of Head Auror.

"Why am I doing this again?" Ariadne muttered, trying to look into the window of Theseus' office.

"You're the only one he'll listen to," Bailey replied, his eyes also on Theseus' figure. Ariadne huffed but regardless, moved towards his office. Glancing back one more time, both Melinda and Bailey gave her a reassuring thumbs up.

She knocked before letting herself in. His office was clean. He used the same large mahogany table as Barracus. Files of paperwork were on his left while a large bookshelf was behind him. Ariadne awkwardly clasped her hands behind her back. Theseus had his head down, a quill in his hand as he wrote on paper. "May I speak with you?"

"You know you don't have to ask," he answered without looking up.

"On the contrary, I believe I do," there was strength in her voice that made him pause. He dropped the quill he was holding, finally giving her his full attention.

"What does that mean?" His eyes connected with hers. Ariadne could see the tiredness physically clasping onto his features. His eyes were red and he seemed a bit pale. Sleep was catching up on him as his messy locks were tangled. The orderliness that Theseus held himself up to was missing.

"When was the last time you went home and slept?" She inquired.

"Last night," he quickly replied.

"For more than 6 hours?" Ariadne questioned. He paused for a moment, unable to recall the last time he slept well, "What good is a Head Auror if he is exhausted?"

"I have to be here," he challenged, anger seeping into his voice. She could tell she hit a sore spot. Was it the pressure of responsibilities?

"Why? Nothing will change overnight," Ariadne insisted, trying to get her point across without yelling, "Tomorrow Grindelwald will still be reining terror, Fawley won't care, and you will still be here, in this office, doing whatever you can to try to stop everything."

He ran his hand up his face. "I can't sleep," Theseus let out finally.

"A potion will help you. You ask and anyone will give it to you."

"You don't understand. What if something happens?"

"Then they will call you here," she confirmed, answering like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Her inexperience made Theseus groan silently. She just didn't get it.

"I need to be ready."

"No, you-"

"You don't understand," he interrupted. Done with the conversation, he picked up his quill again and Ariadne had lost him.

"Go home, Theseus," she maintained. He didn't look up. She wanted to slam the door in his face, she wanted to scream at him until he saw reason. But, she didn't. Softly closing the door, she shook her head at Melinda and Bailey's hopeful eyes.

"Nothing?" The pair followed Ariadne to her desk as she stomped away from Theseus' office.

"He..." Ariadne paused, unable to put her thoughts into words. Her hand raked through her hair, "I don't know."

"It's okay," Melinda comforted, "At least we tried," the trio shared a small sad smile. Ariadne picked up her coat and her leather brown case. "Oh well, we have a birthday to prepare for anyways," Melinda nudged Ariadne's arm softly with a teasing smile. Her attempt to lighten the mood was effective when Ariadne let out a sincere smile.

"I just need something small," she said almost shyly.

"Pity. I'm sure everyone working here is dying to celebrate your birthday," Bailey joked, swinging his arms around the two women's shoulders as they walked out of the office.

"Every? More like two," Ariadne retorted, glancing at her two friends.

"I'm sure Theseus is coming," Melinda frowned, noticing how she excluded the tall brunette.

"Really? Because it doesn't seem like he knows it's tomorrow," she muttered, almost bitterly.

"He'll come."

He didn't. The small table of four only sat three people. Ariadne couldn't lie, it hurt more knowing and then watching the door. They sat in the small pub that Theseus had taken them the first time they had lunch together. The bistro was half empty as always, quiet music played in the background and the trio currently sat in a booth. The autumn weather was upon them and leaves were turning different shades of brown.

The night was fun even without a certain someone. Presents were exchanged and both Melinda and Bailey made turning thirty-seven a little less lonely. Although it felt like a small part of her was missing with every minute passing. She hid it well with a smile on her face as Bailey did his best to make her laugh while Melinda did her best to make Ariadne forget about a certain someone. However their attempts were futile as Ariadne's eyes darted towards the door as each person walked in and out. She played with the bracelet he gave her. He said he'd be here, so where is he now?

At the end of the night, with their coats hugged tightly around their chest and the cold night breeze waltzing through the night, Ariadne hugged both her friends tightly outside the pub.

"Thank you for this," she muttered to Melinda whose arms were wrapped around her torso. She was grateful for the night, she had to be.

"Anything for you," Melinda whispered back.

[967 words]


for anyone who wants to know, Ariadne's bday is on the 15th of October. also you go back to chapter 1 and 21, i literally repeated the same scenery description with a slight change which i thought was cool 😎


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