033 false farewells

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"Surprise!" A small smile graced Ariadne's face as she walked into the room. Melinda grinned as she led Ariadne by the arm as the room of people smiled back at her. A small farewell party was held in honour of Ariadne. There was a banner with her name on it, light from the window escaped inside and a light table of refreshments were served.

"You didn't have to," Ariadne turned to the witch next to her.

"Think about it. If you decide to stay in America, I would feel so guilty not throwing you a goodbye party," Melinda informed, horror on her face just imagining that situation. The room resumed their conversations, the centre of attention leaving Ariadne.

"I'm surprised you found this many people."

"Well, I think everyone heard the words party and drinks," Bailey butted in which earned an elbow from Melinda. Bailey grinned down at the two women as he joined their conversation.

"Actually, you have a lot more friends than you think you do," Melinda confirmed.


"Barracus," she smiled as he brought her in for a hug. Honestly, she had missed her old mentor. He had been with her since she started working at the Ministry, he had trained her and stood up for her when no one else did. But most importantly, she missed the time when he was Head Auror, when her problems were simpler and when Grindelwald wasn't that big of a threat.

"I heard about the job offer. Congratulations," he patted her shoulder, just like a father would to a daughter.

Ariadne could feel an ache in her heart when she couldn't tell him that it wasn't like that, "Thank you," she bowed her head slightly and he grinned. Though as Barracus' eyes caught a familiar figure, his smile grew.


"Barracus," he breathed out, finally joining the group, "Ariadne," he nodded towards her.

"Theseus," the way she said his name made Melinda and Bailey share a quick glance. Awkward silence filled the conversation as Ariadne bit her lip, searching for a way out. "If you'll excuse me," she uttered, leaving before anyone could say anything and making her way to a familiar face. "Leta Lestrange."

"Ariadne," the smaller witch grinned as Ariadne brought her in for a hug, "America?"

Ariadne shrugged, a smile on her face, "Maybe."

"Anything to get out of this wretched place," Leta joked, making Ariadne laugh.

"A toast to that," she chuckled, "How are you?"

"Travers is driving me crazy," Leta groaned, rolling her eyes as well.

"You should escape to America with me," Ariadne insinuated, nudging the smaller witch's arm.

"Can't say I will. I think I'll miss here too much," and Ariadne was slightly relieved to hear that. Imagine pitching the idea to someone and not even going through with it? That would be terrible.

"Honestly, I admire your strength. I would just throw a temper tantrum then quit."

"Oh, some days I wish I could."

The farewell party was going quite well. Smiles were shared and chatter filled the room. There were about twenty odd people here for Ariadne, her departure was congratulated as they all wished her the best. Every conversation Ariadne had was filled with half truths and half lies. Was she excited? Did she have everything packed, ready to go? What would she miss most about London? Honestly, this party was starting to tire Ariadne as she leaned against the refreshment table, scanning her eyes for something appealing.

"Ariadne," and she had just run into the one person who she was trying to avoid.

"Theseus. Hi," her eyes connected with his. It felt like it did just less than a year ago. No apology but equal weights of hurt. No fight but knives drawn, shields up, waiting for the first one to break. She offered him a small smile, a peace treaty for the time being.

"I heard that you'll be working with a friend of mine in America," he started, eyes moving over the drinks and light finger food served.


"Percival Graves. We met during the war. He's a good man."

"Well, I hope I'll enjoy working with him." Ariadne recognised his name. She had seen it in the Daily Prophet a few times in smaller stories. He was also the one that signed her letter, as he was Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, just like Travers was. If Theseus said he was a 'good man,' that would mean he was nothing like Travers, but one could only hope.

"I also have your present for... your birthday," he said slowly and almost bashfully. He handed her a small box, "Look I'm so sorry. I was-"

"Caught up with work?" She offered.

"Yes, but not just that it's..."

"It's okay," she interrupted. Truthfully, it was hard to hold resentment towards him, especially after hating him for so long. He was just too friendly. Smiling at him, she could see the relief consuming his body as his stiff shoulders fell.

"Open it," he gestured to the box and Ariadne did just that. A small rose charm laid in a cushion of velvet and Ariadne smiled. The charm then floated up, slowly turning as it shimmered with the lights. Automatically, the charm latched itself onto Ariadne's bracelet. Now, she had a crown, a sword and a rose. Gently, he grabbed her wrist, his thumb tracing over the rose as he examined the bracelet.

"And what does this one symbolise?" She was already staring at him when he glanced back at her eyes.

"Us. Your friends here. Something to remember us by," his voice was low, warm and close, making Ariadne's heart flutter. "Not in the way that will hold you back but in the way that will push you forward. To remember that you will always have people who support you."

"I think it'll be impossible to forget you." Truth.


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