no pants and a magical letter

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HARRY  POTTERact two - movie one▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

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act two - movie one

childlike laughter could be heard as harry, still dragging eden, ran into the kitchen. their eyes enlarged as they saw the scene in front of them.

it was chaotic. 

regulus was chasing a four-year-old percy who appeared to be refusing to put on the pants regulus was clasping in his hands.

percy turned red and shoved draco who chuckled at the young boy sprinting around in his underwear.

the winslow family elf, clover, was magically formulating breakfast as plates and food flew carefully around.

remus sat calmly at the breakfast table sipping his morning tea as he read the latest letter of the daily prophet.

"damn moony, you look good." james piped up to his friend who rolled his eyes and blushed when he saw sirius nodding in agreement.

a boy who looked to be the same age as harry, clumsily bumping into the floating plates, which clover magically caught as if it was an ordinary occurrence.

he retained a sheepish smile, before spinning a accidentally bumping into regulus -who was still attempting to get to a giggling percy but was quick to stop the clumsy boy from plunging to the floor by gently clutching his shoulders and stabilising him.

"who's that?" sirius was the first to question, noticing the unknown boy that didn't arrive with the future kids.

"nevi!!" gemini called out excitedly after realising the boy was on the screen and unknowingly answering sirius' question. percy chuckled at his younger sister, "neville longbottom." he voiced the now-known boy's name.

eden smiled softly at gemini's excitement towards the young boy named neville. it was evident the little girl cared greatly for neville specifically when she veered around to her older brother and asked -more like demanded- to know where neville was.

though her eyebrows grew closer as she frowned questionably at her son's response, "nevi had to stay back remember gem? he's resting." he gently told his sister while conveying a glance with harry.

gemini nodded understanding, although frowned a little at the reminder as she shifted to sit on remus' lap who had willingly allowed her to lay across his and sirius' laps.

"resting?" frank wondered out loud, having listened to the nearby conversation about what he'd imagined was his future son, considering the last name.

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