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HARRY  POTTERact two - movie one▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

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act two - movie one

eden and harry had quickly parted ways as they finished collecting the listed materials harry needed for hogwarts excluding his wand and robes.

eden had informed harry of a quick meeting she had in gringotts and had set the task of harry getting his school robes fitted in the meantime.

harry groaned while hiding his head in his father's shoulder as draco chuckled loudly at the past memory.

a bell rang as he opened the door to madam malkin's store, alerting the owner as well as the few people that were scattered inside.

the students of hogwarts all smiled at the nostalgic feeling they felt looking at the store they'd all been to when they needed their school robes.

"hogwarts dear?" madam malkin's questioned harry, she was already used to the number of children coming into her store around this time of year.

"yes ma'am," harry responded politely, straightening his posture slightly in the presence of an older woman.

madam malkin's smiled at the boy, not at all fazed by the fact she'd recognised 'the boy who lived' by his scar, treating him like any other child which was refreshing in harry's eyes.

"the boy who lived?" remus asked the question everyone was wondering as they all turned to harry who was sitting comfortably between his father and godmother.

harry rolled his eyes at the title. "it was a stupid name that people gave me after i was rumoured to have been the only person to survive the night voldemort came for us and the killing curse." he answered which made many nods in agreement with the title while others thought it was ridiculous to give a child such a title especially considering how much the young boy lost that day.

"do you get a lot of press since that night?" james asked his son worried that harry would have to fight off the overwhelming people who believed anything people told them, even if it wasn't true.

harry's heart warmed at the sight, not used to the unknown feeling he got as his father who looked just like him and had given him his life, expressed his worry.

"it is overwhelming at times but mama eddie persuaded a lot of them to back off when i was younger," harry informed his dad.

raised his eyebrows, "persuaded?" sirius questioned suspiciously, not at all believing that the press who'd do anything for a good story would back off with persuasion.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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