Chapter 33: PKS

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Penny’s POV:

I hate this. I don’t want to leave Katie here with that crazy guy on the loose but I don’t want to put her in danger being here. Turning on the radio I tried to put it out of my mind. Worrying about it wouldn’t change anything. The only way I could make this better is if I was away from that creep.

Turning onto the highway I started tapping my fingers to the music when suddenly there was a loud clanging sound. The car swerved to the left then the right. I fought for control until I was able to get it onto the shoulder. I sat there for a second trying to get my heart under control before shutting off the engine. Climbing out the car I spotted my trouble in an instant.

                “Fuck… just what I didn’t need.” I muttered to myself. Pulling out my phone I scrolled through my contact until Katie’s name popped up. Pressing send I bend down to examine the damage.

                “Hey Pen what’s up?” Katie said from the other end.

                “I almost ran off the road because of a flat tire.” I said standing. Kicking the tire I turned around and leaned against the car.

                “Are you alright?” Katie asked.

                “Yeah, I’m fine… you wouldn’t happen to know the number of a tow truck would you?” I asked. I could hear Katie on the other end. She sounded like she was running.

                “I’ll be there in a minute. Let me grab Avery.” She said. Pushing off the car I turned to see a Hero truck pulling up behind me.

                “I might not need you and Avery to come after all, hold on.” I said as the driver jumped down from his truck. Waving at me he walked over checking out the blown tire.

                “That was fast.” I said to the driver. Looking up at me he smiled, his dimpled cheeks gave him a youthful look.

                “A passerby saw you and called it in. I happened to be coming off my break when the call came through. I’m Donnie and I’ll be your hero today.” He said. Standing he wiped his dusty hands on his pants legs extending a hand to me.

                “I’m Penny, nice to meet you hero, so tell me what the prognosis?” I asked.

                “Just your standard flat tire, I should have you up and running in no time.” Donnie said heading back to his truck. As he went to the back of his truck I marveled at the hotness that he was.

                “You don’t have to worry Katie. I’m in good hands. Somebody saw me and called the Hero truck service.” I explained.

                “Are you sure? Avery and I can be there in no time.” Katie said. I couldn’t help but grin. Katie was such a worry wart.

                “I’m sure mom… Donnie said I’d be up and running in no time.” I chuckled. There was dead silence on the other end of the line.

                “What did you say his name was?” Katie asked me her voice hard. I was about to repeat myself when there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Donnie behind me then felt a stabbing sensation in my neck. I didn’t see it before but there was a sick gleam in his eyes as he watched me. My body felt heavy and I couldn’t keep my eyes open.

                “What… the… fuck…” I slurred losing the grip on my phone as it slid from my hand.

                “I’m so sorry about this Penny but you were a chance I couldn’t let slip by… your sister has been very good at hiding but now that I have you Kate will definitely come out to play. Oh we haven’t been properly introduced. I’m Donavon Walker by the way.” I could feel fear explode inside me but I couldn’t move my body.

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