Chapter 48: KD Pt. 2

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Kate's POV:

I knew it wouldn't be easy but I never expected that. I was ready for the distrust and the doubt but a full on assault from Laurie demolished any hope I had for rebuilding the relationships I'd destroyed as my time as Katlin. I sat on the picnic table with a full glass of red wine in hand swirling slowly. I wanted to take a sip but I knew with the way I was feeling I wouldn't be able to stop with just a sip.

                "You mind if I take that?" Turning I spotted McClane at the end of the gravel path. Making his way over to me he took the glass and sip a bit from it.

                "Oh shit that's good." He said placing the glass down as he sat next to me.

                "Well the only good thing about this is Avery wasn't here to witness it." I said wiping my face with the back of my hand. I was tired of crying but despite being tired I continued to cry.

                "You know she didn't mean it." McClane said. Looking to him I waited for him to look me in the eye. When he did I could see even he didn't believe his own words.

                "Every word out her mouth she meant and you know it. Laurie doesn't say something just to hurt your feelings she says it because that's how she sees you. She sees me as a rotten evil bitch who will never change and who will always be nothing more than a pain in the ass. She was just being honest… well while we're all being honest I guess I'll take a stab at it… I've had a crush on you from the first moment I met you. Back then you were with Sasha Alexander and I thought if I modeled myself after her you would take notice. Suffice it to say you did but not in a good way. I sacrificed so much of me to be what everyone else wanted and the only way to get rid of the pain I felt was to get high and drunk. Even though I'm sober now and I've grown up I still feel like that girl… the one who has to try too hard because if I don't you won't like me." Bringing his hand up McClane slowly pushed my hair aside before placing a gentle kiss against my cheek.

                "They don't get what you had to so through… the demons you had to face. They'll never understand your war stories but as long as you don't give up and you make it to the other side that's all that matters. Even after all these years Laurie's wounds are still fresh but you can't heal them for her. She has to want to heal them herself, she has to want to give you forgiveness. As long as she holds onto the past she'll never be able to embrace her future but don't you waste your time waiting for her. When and if it happens fine but don't you dare put you and your life on the back burner for anyone. Ask for the strength to let go Katie… this is not your burden to bear." He whispered.

                "Don't you think I've tried?" I cried pushing off of the picnic table.

                "No I don't. I think you're too scared to find out what would happen if you did. You taught me a few things on our road trip. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have made the first step to go see Sean. I would have let it eat me alive instead you helped me ask for the strength to let it go. You made me realize I couldn't make Sean talk to me. All I could do was take the first step and open the lines of communication. You've done that Katie… you've opened the lines of communication now step back and let go." McClane said standing from the table with me. It hurt to hear your own advice thrown back in your face, especially when you've decided that nothing in the world can make your situation alright. We stood like that in the dark his words washing over me until a breeze blew through causing both of us to shiver.

                "I saw you and Sean making out… I guess the whole Scott situation has been taken care of?" I asked wrapping my arms around me.

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