Chapter 14

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Finally the bell indicating the end of school rang. I waited 10 minutes, as i didn't want to bump into anyone in the corridor.

I sighed as i started collecting my stuff, holding it in one hand whilst carrying my ruined and wet bag in the other.

I braced myself to stand. I could do it. I'm strong.

I waited until the next series of dots went from my visions and took slow steps to exit the bathroom.

I made sure to check the corners of the corridor before i left just to make sure no one was there, especially those girls. It seemed clear, so i headed the way i came for maths.

The exit to the car park came sooner than i anticipated which i loved.

I saw my parents, car and a couple of others left in the parking lot. I put my brave face on and started walking at a slightly faster pace, hoping to succeed in showing that nothing was wrong with me.

It seemed by brothers had gone home which I didn't mind about.

"Hello" i said to my parents as i opened the back door.

The both looked at each other.

They're acting weird.

"Did you have a good day? You were a little late coming out of school, everything ok?" My mom asked.

I nodded as i carefully climbed into the back seat.

My parents exchanged looks again.

"We'll talk at dinner, ok? I can see you're not in the mood to talk right now" Dad said.

I nodded thankfully and rested my head on the window, the whole drive home.

I thought the whole way home.

Do i tell my parents about what's happened with those girls? Everyone in that school is rich. Being rich means having power. What if i tell them about it, but they can't do anything and then the girls get angrier at me and retaliate even more for trying to get them in trouble.

What could my parents even do? They're children. They cant be charged or arrested with assault.

What if the girls' parents decide to take it out on my parents after accusing their children of doing something, they're sure they would never do.

You know the 'my little baby would never' act that some parents always give.

And I have no evidence. There's none on my face, and all of the bruises they gave me have blended in with my old ones.

People would think I'm lying and making shit up if i blamed the whole of my injuries on those 4 girls.

I was scared. I was stuck.

The car stopped and i got out first and headed straight to my room. I didn't stop to talk to anyone, i just went straight into my room and into my bed.

I didn't bother changing, because i didn't want to and it would hurt too much,

Sue me.

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