Chapter 34

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A/N - Do I feel bad about the ending to this chapter? A little 😏


"Run through it one more time from the top, just so we're sure" Matheo tells me with a frown, speaking on behalf of all of my family who are currently watching me practice my routines for the gym competition.

I started practicing about a week ago, getting my skills back by practising on the trampoline.

As I've done gymnastics at such a high level for over 6 years, my skills came back naturally to me.

And with my body feeling as good as ever it was much easier to do.

My family wasn't to keen for me to start doing all of my skills on the floor to start with, so my brothers brought out blankets and pillows to create a  makeshift landing space for me.

I'm surprised they even allowed me to start trying things on the floor as even when I was on the trampoline at least someone was outside with me.

And although I had yet to fall, or made a mistake yet, they were all on their edge of their seats.

Romeo was currently holding Luca back from blocking my way, to stop me from doing my skills.

"Come on guys, that's the 5th time I've done my floor routine without any big mistakes. What's your answer?" I ask then as I stand in front of them with my arms crossed.

I love having the confidence to stand up for myself, as well as to be able to fight for answers from my family, not fearful of the consequences it could bring.

"Let us discuss!" Marco tells me as he forcefully makes my family form a huddle around him.

I try to contain my laugh, as they try to be quiet and whisper.

When you live with this many people, there's no way you'll ever speak quietly, especially if you want to get your point across.

Although I've perfected my floor routine, I'll be doing the easiest routines on bars, beam and vault as it's not realistic for me to come straight back to the sport and do the hardest routines.

I just want to have fun out there.

"It's decided" Marco tells me as he clears his throat.

"YOU'RE ONTO THE NEXT ROUND! AMERICA, HERE WE COME!" He screams as he picks me up, chucking me in the air.

No way!

"REALLY!? So I can go!?" I ask my parents from the top of Marcos shoulders.

"Yes, but if you get even a scratch, you'll be straight on the sidelines with us watching, capiche?" My dad tells me.

"Capiche!" I tell him as I jump off of Marcos shoulders to embrace him.

I can't wait to see everyone!

"It's going to be so good, going on this trip as a whole family! I can't wait!" Adrian tells me.

I completely agree, it's going to be awesome!


"What is he doing here?" Luca asks as he narrows his eyes whilst pointing at Raphael.

Raphael is now joining us on this little holiday and I couldn't be happier.

All of my favourite people are all in one place.

When I told him i was going to America for a gymnastics competition he refused to pass up the opportunity to see me compete.

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