Chapter 29

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SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE! I've had so many tests these past few weeks as well as my driving theory test!

The chapter gets better as you go on! I promise


I chuckled to myself as I looked down at my phone. I was currently finding a good picture of Raphael, the teenage mutant ninja turtle to put as Raphael's profile picture.

I think it suits him perfectly!

He definitely gives off ninja vibes, you know with the mafia and all.

What else was I supposed to put as his profile picture?

Just before he left last night, I asked him to put his number in, filled with confidence. I was proud of myself for asking him.

He and his family didn't leave until gone 11pm, as we were all having such a good time. I could tell my family really liked Raphael, and I was very pleased with that.

I think we have another dinner panned soon, and I can't wait for it.

I really wanted us to be friends.

I realised that I completely misjudged him on our first encounter.

He wasn't rude or snobby like I originally thought. He is funny and smart and stylish and...... I'm getting off track.

He must of been having a bad day when we first met, because he's never acted like that with me again.

I even want him to sign my cast now as I truly do consider him a friend.

We were messaging each other throughout the night. I am currently very tired, but it was definitely worth it!

Raphael feels the same about the mafia business as I do.

Only the guilty should he harmed, never the innocent and that everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

It's nice to know and have someone the same age as you in the same situation. Well, apart from Adrian obviously.

I'm trying to multitask by setting the picture for Raphael as well as talk to Reese as we are walking to lunch from history.

Adrian isn't with us as he is already in the canteen, as he wanted to get my food for me.

He's so sweet.

I was just replying to Raphael, who, with his new profile picture was asking where we were going to be sitting for lunch because he wanted to join us.

I was delighted with this as I could introduce him properly to my friends and we had more time to chat.

I felt as though we could talk about things for hours.

I don't get to reply to him as my phone was snatched from my hand suddenly.

I turn around straight away to confront who took it.

"Who's making your face light up like that, babe?" Reese asks me with a questioning look on his face.

I'm silent as I try and get my head around what's just happened. Did he truly just take my phone out of my hands?

"Hey, come on Reese, give it back" I ask him nicely and calmly.

I see his smile drop from his face as he looks at my phone, and I swallow nervously.

I haven't done anything wrong, have I?

"RAPHAEL! you're texting Raphael!?"
He basically screamed at me.

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