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You sat by the lake, cradling your legs in your arms as your cheek rest upon them. Your feet were bare and you could feel every blade of grass between your toes.

You watched as ripples ran through the lake made by all the different kinds of fish that swam close to the surface, remembering how it was once you doing so.

The sun lay upon the horizon and the sky was filled with many shades of orange and pinks.

You never realised how...rich, the colours of the sky looked at this time of day. Under the water they only ever seemed to look foggy, covered in bubbles and foam.

Your unraveled your legs and your hands came up to rub your arms, shivering at the light cool breeze which came as a result of the lack of sunlight. You run your fingers gently over the markings on your skin, tracing every swirl with the tips of your fingers as they glistened slightly in the moonlight. Your hair began to feel lighter as it began to dry. Being in the water for the majority of your life, your H/C hair had never had a chance to properly dry. Strands began to fall in your face and you tucked them behind your ear in frustration.

"Why would they do this to me..." you thought out loud as your nails began to dig into the backs of your arms.

The merfolk had casted you out. They had come to the realisation that your kind were too dangerous to be included in their colony.

Bones interlude the depth of lakes and oceans.

Men, constantly being drowned as sirens lure them into the waters with their melodic voices. Millions of bones polluting their once beautiful colonies, turning them into underwater cemeteries.

It wasn't your fault. It was in your nature. It's what kept you alive. Kept you...thriving.

Under the waters you where deemed powerful, menacing. A threat to mortal men.

But on the surface you where just a women. Sitting on the grass being left alone with just your thoughts.

"Look! Over there!"

Your body jolted at the deep yells that came from the top of the hills behind you, tripping over yourself before stepping into the lake only to be swarmed by the abnormally large fish which came to bite your feet.

You let out a yelp and hop out back onto the grass.

The shouting only got closer as you tried to run behind a near willow tree but you where cornered by flamed torches on either side.

"Hey, what's a young lady like you doing out here at this time of day?"

A tall, bearded man came walking towards you dressed in purple, and long brown locks.

You didn't dare utter a word. You stood there, in nothing but pearls and seaweed only just decently covering you up.

"Move Gale," another voice came, only this time it wasn't so deep, soft even, "what's your name? Where're you from?" She asked, a touch of worry in her voice.

"My, my names...Y/N" you manage out in between shivers and sniffles.

"Gods you must be freezing out here in...that" she said again eyeing the pearls wrapped around your body, not judgmentally but worryingly.

Her warm palm wrapped around your ice cold one and she gave a little tug and smiled, reassuring you that you where in good hands.

"We'll bring her back to camp, get her some food and clothes," she called back to the man, "my names Shadowheart, we have a camp set up near by. You can stay as long as you want, we have the room and resources." She smiled and you did so back.

You realised that if not for these two, you would've been left alone in the cold. Your powers would do nothing for you as you hadn't wielded the help from the waters anymore. You would've been left for the dead.


As you neared to the camp, the warmth almost pushed you back a little as it came in so sudden. You saw the lit up space, tents propped up all around and a big fire in the middle of it all, bedrolls placed around it.

"Here, you can have this tent, there's a trunk to put all those pearls in, I presume they're very valuable," Shadowheart says as she lead you into a small open shelter, "there's books to keep you occupied, armoury and swords."

"Weapons?" You finally speak out of curiosity.

"Everyone here helps with numerous things like hunts, that's the only price you have to pay"

You nod your head in approval and she leaves you to look around. In an Instant the man from before comes to you with extra clothes, sure to keep you warm.

"Here, these should do it," he smiles, warmly before you take them, "I'm Gale, sorry if I uhh gave you a bit of a fright back there"

You giggle under your breath as you shake your head.

"It's quite alright" you smile at him and he leaves you to dress.

Once dressed in a white cotton blouse and dark brown pants you walk over to the fire to see Shadowheart and Gale sipping on a bowl of steaming soup.

"Here Y/N" Gale hands you of what looks like a mysterious pile of goop. It wasn't what looked like your normal meal but alas you sit beside them around the fire and gulp down the bowl.

"Is it only you two?" You question, looking up from sipping out of the bowl which was surprisingly delicious.

"No theres more of us, they won't be back by tomorrow morning" Shadowheart says.

"If they even survive," Gale mumbles under his breath before Shadowheart lets out a light hearted laugh, "neither of them can stand one another, their only chance of survival would be by killing one another the second one of them opens their mouth"

You smile with curiosity as both your savours dumped on the others you where still yet to meet.


1045 words

Pretty long first chapter I think I was just getting carried away but oh well,
I've been watching gameplay on BG3 (because I cant afford to spend millions on the actual game) and so regarding my first post, yes, I'm actually making an effort to get to know each character and the plot,
A round of applause please :)

𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒊𝒕 // Astarion x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now