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Chapter 19

Mana emerged, a malicious smile forming on her lips as she pointed her bow at Evangeline.

"Finally, I find you, perverse. Now, I can take my revenge," Mana declared, her voice dripping with contempt.

Soon-mi, standing beside Evangeline, retorted, "Who are you calling a pervert? You're the one who's alone. If we join forces, we can defeat you."

Mana's smile widened, exuding an air of superiority. "Oh, don't worry. I won't harm you, except for Evangeline, who stands beside you. So, don't interrupt me."

Suddenly, four more individuals appeared behind Mana. Megumi was easily recognizable, accompanied by a boy with red horns on his head and blood-red hair, a girl with pale skin, fangs, blond hair, and red eyes, and a human boy with black hair, black eyes, and a lack of confidence, clutching a sword.

Megumi, catching her breath, spoke, "Mana, you should have waited for us. We're a team now."

Mana's voice softened slightly, "I apologize, but I wanted to deal with Evangeline myself. If I had waited for you, she would have escaped."

Curiosity tinged Megumi's voice, "I wonder what happened between you and Evangeline that led to such deep hatred."

A blush crept onto Mana's cheeks, while Evangeline's hidden behind her mask.

"That's none of your business. Now, let me handle her. You take care of her teammates," Mana replied, her smile turning mischievous.

Before Evangeline could react, Mana snapped her fingers, and a magic circle materialized beneath her. The world turned black for a few seconds before returning to normal. Evangeline found herself still in the forest but in a different location, with Mana standing before her.

Confusion laced Evangeline's words, "Why are you doing this? I thought we could become friends."

Mana's smile twisted with bitterness, "You believe we can be friends after what you've done? You're mistaken. Now, I can finish what I couldn't before."

Drawing her bow, Mana unleashed a barrage of arrows with blinding speed. Evangeline dodged them with difficulty, but one grazed her arm.

(This fight won't be easy.)

Unfazed, Mana laughed, dismissing Evangeline's threat.

Evangeline glanced at the remaining time before the mission ended. There were still two hours and ten minutes remaining. She was grateful to be the one in possession of the magic storage bag.

"Are you ready to take a beating, Mana?" Evangeline taunted, receiving no response.

Seizing the opportunity, Mana attacked with a flurry of arrows. Evangeline swiftly evaded them.

(Her arrows are incredibly fast. I need to find a way to disable her bow.)

Evangeline swiftly created four fire clones, launching an assault alongside her duplicates. However, Mana effortlessly dispatched the clones, forcing Evangeline to retreat.

"Don't think your tricks will work on me. I'm not as foolish as the other opponents. It's time to end this," Mana proclaimed.

She fired multiple arrows at Evangeline, connecting with their mark. To Mana's surprise, it was a flame clone. Before she could react, Evangeline materialized in front of her.

"You didn't expect that, did you?"

Snatching the bow from Mana's grasp, Evangeline swiftly retreated.

"What will you do without your precious bow now? Surrender, or I'll destroy it," Evangeline threatened, a triumphant smile gracing her face.

Mocking laughter escaped Mana's lips. "Don't be foolish. You won't have the courage to destroy it."

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