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Chapter 26

As Evangeline ventured deeper into the haunting forest, the ethereal figures crystallized before her. It was a stark contrast – the familiar face of Mana as she appeared before Evangeline's rebirth, and the more recent addition to her life, Toshiko. Their lips met in a passionate embrace, an intimate dance that sent shockwaves through Evangeline's soul. Betrayal and jealousy churned within her, threatening to consume her completely.

Evangeline desperately attempted to speak, to intervene, to bridge the agonizing distance that separated her from this agonizing scene. But her voice refused to emerge, her limbs remained paralyzed. She was condemned to watch this heart-wrenching spectacle, an unwilling spectator in her own nightmare.

The torment seemed to stretch on for an eternity, every second a merciless reminder of her own powerlessness. As the kiss deepened, the forest itself seemed to conspire, the trees twisting and contorting, casting sinister shapes upon the forest floor.

The intensity of her jealousy ignited into a burning rage, a wildfire of emotion threatening to engulf her. She longed to scream, to shatter this cruel illusion, to break the chains that bound her to this agony.

Then, in an instant, everything changed. A pair of comforting arms enveloped her, drawing her into a soothing embrace that brought solace to her tormented soul. As suddenly as it had begun, the nightmare was over.

Evangeline awoke abruptly, her eyes adjusting to the dimness of Mana's room. The darkness still held sway, and in the silence, she sensed warmth and security enveloping her. She turned her head and saw Mana, the source of that comforting embrace, still fast asleep beside her.

A gentle smile lingered on Evangeline's face as she slipped back into the tranquil embrace of sleep, nestled securely in Mana's arms. The nightmare that had haunted her seemed to retreat, its lingering horrors fading into the recesses of her mind.

This time, her dreams were kinder. She found herself in the company of the Mana she knew from a time before her reincarnation. They were in a simple, cozy house, sharing breakfast, conversation, and laughter that flowed like a soothing river. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated happiness, a stark contrast to the torment she had endured earlier in her nightmare. As the dream unfurled, their connection deepened, culminating in a tender kiss, mirroring the passionate embrace that had tormented her not long ago.

However, the dream's tranquility was abruptly shattered by the sound of her name being called. She awoke, blinking in the dim daylight filtering through the room. It was Mana, her voice filled with anger.

"Let go of me, Evangeline," Mana's words were sharp and edged with annoyance.

Evangeline snapped to full wakefulness, her gaze darting around the room. Confusion clouded her senses. It was daylight, a new day, and the nightmare should have long dissipated. Yet, she found herself still holding Mana tightly in her arms. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, Mana. I didn't mean to... I didn't do it on purpose. You were the one who hugged me first," Evangeline stammered, her eyes meeting Mana's.

Mana blushed in response, offering no counterargument. She had, indeed, initiated the embrace.

"In any case," Mana began, her voice slightly hesitant, "don't misconstrue this, Evangeline. It was just... I felt sorry for you because you were having a nightmare," she admitted, her cheeks taking on a delicate shade of pink.

What Mana hadn't revealed was the events of the previous night. Evangeline's screams had shattered the silence, yanking her from slumber. It was evident that Evangeline was trapped in a nightmare, a turmoil of distress. In the midst of her tormented cries, Mana distinctly heard her own name called out.

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