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Chapter 24

In that charged moment, as tension hung thick in the air, the unexpected occurred. Mana stirred, her eyelids fluttering open as consciousness returned to her, unaware of the fiery drama that had unfolded in her slumber.

Mana's eyes fluttered open, the world slowly coming into focus. The first sight that greeted her as she returned to consciousness was the unexpected tableau of Evangeline and Seiko locked in a heated argument. The intensity of their dispute had apparently reached new heights during her brief slumber.

However, the moment Mana's gaze fell upon them, a peculiar hush descended upon the room. The argument ceased abruptly as if silenced by an unseen force. A heavy, uncertain silence filled the air, stretching between the trio.

Seiko, breaking the uneasy stillness, finally spoke. "I won't intrude any longer. I'll fetch some food for myself." His voice carried an air of contrition as he hastily retreated, leaving behind a lingering tension.

As Seiko's presence vanished from the room, Evangeline and Mana remained alone. In that solitary moment, the realization dawned upon Evangeline like a storm cloud gathering on the horizon. She sensed that Seiko's abrupt departure was not merely about a meal. It was a signal, a foreboding message of betrayal.

A profound feeling of foreboding settled over Evangeline as she contemplated the turbulent turn of events. She understood that Seiko had chosen this moment to distance himself, leaving her alone with Mana, and she couldn't help but sense a brewing storm of revenge on the horizon, one that threatened to engulf her in its tumultuous wake.

Mana's eyes narrowed with suspicion as she blinked back the remnants of her interrupted slumber. The abrupt departure of Seiko had triggered an unsettling sense of uncertainty, a nagging question that clawed at the edges of her consciousness.

"Well, it's strange why Seiko left in such a hurry," she mused aloud, her voice tinged with both curiosity and a hint of accusation. "What have you done now, Evangeline? And why am I in the infirmary?"

Evangeline, her own thoughts a turbulent whirlpool, bristled at the implication in Mana's words. "I didn't do anything," she asserted firmly, her voice unwavering. "And, besides, you're here in the infirmary because you fainted due to the over-initialization of your magical power."

As if scripted by fate, the nurse chose that very moment to return from her break, her eyes falling upon the bewildering scene that had unfolded in her absence. Upon seeing the comical state of Mana's face, she couldn't stifle a burst of laughter.

Evangeline felt a sudden rush of panic course through her veins, her composure crumbling as she watched the nurse's reaction. Mana, equally perplexed by the nurse's amusement, tried to make sense of the situation. The nurse made a concerted effort to regain her composure, her laughter subsiding after a few minutes.

The nurse finally managed to compose herself, albeit with residual hints of amusement dancing in her eyes. She turned her attention to Mana, her tone now serious but tinged with a lingering amusement. "Well, what's happened to you, Mana? Evangeline, I entrusted you to take care of her. Why is she in this rather unusual state?" she inquired, doing her utmost to maintain a professional demeanor and avoid another bout of laughter.

"What's wrong with me?" Mana's voice trembled with a note of concern as she gazed at her bewildering surroundings.

The nurse, not one to mince words, responded sharply, "Oh, take a good look for yourself!"

With an imperious snap of her fingers, the nurse conjured a mirror and extended it to Mana. She accepted it with trepidation and examined her reflection. As her eyes fell upon her own face, the pieces of the puzzling situation fell into place. A mixture of shock and realization washed over her. Her complexion was marred by darkened streaks, her face and a portion of her hair charred black.

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