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"HOPE" Topper calls out for his sister as soon as he sees her walking into the house from the door, she looks like she is just waking up from her sleep.

She must went straight to home from the Cameron's, he knows she's staying with them last night during the hurricane. He was panic when he can't see Hope anywhere around the house especially inside her room but calming down when his mother told him that she's staying with Sarah

They are still not in talking terms after what he pulled at the party and Hope always dodging from him when he's trying to talk to her about it. He wants to apologize, he does feel bad for what he did and he just wants the best for Hope.

She's the only sister and sibling he had, of course he wants to protect her from any harms. He knows what's the outside offered especially for a young and pretty girl like Hope

Hope ignored her brother as always for the past two days not even glanced at his direction, continues her steps to get into her bedroom and continues her sleep.

She excused herself from the Cameron's earlier this morning and takes some times to look around on her way back to her house at the damage Agatha's hurricane did to the figure eight last night. It's kinda bad, there's so many branches and leaves all over the streets and the yards.
Trees literally bending and fall on the streets, blocking some ways.

"Hope, come on. Can we talk about it? I'm done dealing with your childish behaviour" Topper jumps out from the couch and runs straight to her, blocking her ways.

Hope letting out a heavy grunt, she's still sleepy from her previous woke up and her brother is trying to ruin her morning as always "Move away, Top" she said, trying to shove him from blocking her path

Topper not budging from his position "I'm sorry, okay? I shouldn't go off at you like that" he continues and ignores the demand from her. He wants to end this right now, he can't bring himself another minutes knowing his sister is mad at him and won't talk to him

"Apology accepted. Now can you move away because I really need my beauty sleep" but Hope not going to let that slide that easily, she wants to teach him a lesson this time so he won't mess with her again after this.

Hope always forgives him and ignores everything that happened after that. Maybe that's the reason Topper always bounces back to do it over and over again

"You can't be mad at me for trying to keep you safe!" Topper snapped, already losing his patience when Hope keeps giving him the attitude

"And you can't be mad at me for having fun either!" she snapped back "None of these would happen if you stop being uptight and let me have fun like a normal teenager. I don't have to sneak out and crashed into a party behind your back. You're lucky that all you ever found was me sneaking into a party, I could do drug or get pregnant"

Topper remains silent this time, looking at Hope that looks calm though her words are strained

"I know how to take care of myself, Topper and I know how dangerous world can be. But you can't keep me under your wing and wraps me with a safety bubble forever, that won't change anything about the world" Hope continues, this time she's loosing out a little with a little sigh coming out from her lips. She can see Topper looks taken aback with her words

"I'm not going to be 10 or 16 forever, somehow you need to let me go when the time is coming and you can't hold me down" she keeps going and Topper remains silence "I'm appreciate that you're trying to keep me safe and I always grateful for that. But I want to live, Topper. Like a normal teenager, like you and Sarah. Partying and shit, you can't keep me out from that"

Topper bites his lower lip, his eyes lingering around Hope and now he feels like how right his sister about it. He's got into his protective moods, and it prevents him to see the right from it until now. Everyone keeps saying the same things to him, just to stop being uptight and loosen up a little because of how hard he's being on Hope

"Okay" Topper mutters it, his voice is so low and it almost can't be heard by Hope but because of the distance she can heard him pretty well "Okay, fine" Topper continues, running his fingers through his hair couple times

"I'll stop being an ass to you and let you out partying and shit, but you need to promise me" Hope willing to listen, she can't believe that Topper finally giving in and let her has her freedom that she's been craving

"You'll stay away from drugs and shits, never go out to the Cut alone without anyone with you, and don't ever interact with any of those dirty Pogues" he starts giving out the list

She's fine with everything except for the Pogues' part. She always want to know how they're living at their side of the island, just surfing and shits. And, like it or not, after the interaction with JJ yesterday she's kinda hope that they're going to see each other again. But that seems almost like impossible, especially now

"and please, no sneaking out again. If you want to go to a party, just tell me, okay? I don't care if I'm being mad at first, just asked me. It's better for me to know that you're around so I can be alert if anything happened to you" Topper continues again before she can answer to him

Hope has no problems with the rest of the rules and she wants to complain about the Pogues part but she keep it down for now, afraid if she's bringing that up Topper would take his words back and she's back being a Rapunzel. She can always see them if she wants, Topper isn't always around her and he hates the Cut, he won't be there to catch her

"Deal" Hope agreed, nodding her head and holding out her hand for Topper. The boy glances down at her hand, he let out a little chuckle before he takes her hand and shakes it

"Deal" he said it, sealing it

They both smiling at each other, the heavy feelings lifted up from their chest for being mad at each other. Hope feels relief, she actually hates for not being able to talk to her brother as much as being mad at him. She's not that type of person, never holds anything against anyone especially when it comes to people she loves

"You're still an ass" Hope mutters it, a hidden smile tugging on her lips

"Yeah, at least I don't throw a Cola can at a guy" Topper shrugged and the smile drops completely from her face. Of course Rafe going to babble about it to Topper, that fucking snitch. Hope he smacks his head and shoves him away

"Fuck off!" she said and walking towards the stairs, leaving Topper behind who already burst out in laughter.

As annoyed as she now, she can't help to smile at the sounds or her brother's laugh. She keeps going until she reaches her room, that's when she throw herself on her bed.

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