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LATER THAT DAY, after she’s waking up from her sleep and already taking a shower, Hope is driving back to the Cameron’s to meet Sarah. She kinda forgot that she has a parcel arrived and wants to retrieve it

Since there’s no service because of the hurricane, she can’t really texting Sarah to ask her about it and there’s only one way to do it. In traditionally way, by driving back to her house. It’s not like she has any other choices

Hope can just go by herself but because of the hurricane, her parcel is stuck somewhere at a hotel that she’s not familiar with and it also near the Cut.

Taking into Topper’s word saying she needs to be with someone if she wants to be around that place, she has no choices than dragging Sarah.
She tried to find Topper but he can’t be found around the house and his car isn’t at the garage. He must be out with his friends

When Hope arrived at the Cameron’s, she saw Rafe sitting at the lawn all alone by himself while smoking. She thought he’s out with Topper since her brother can’t be found

Rafe averts his eyes towards the car once he hears the engine, a smile tugs on his lips when he knows whose it belongs to. He remembered when he was carrying her with his arms last night, he wonders if Hope knows about it

He wanted to tease her about it this morning only to find her already went home

“Hey, Mia. What’s up?” Rafe greet her first as soon as she steps out from her car. He can’t help from being curious, she just left and now she’s here again. Not like he’s going to complain about it

Hope smiling when Rafe called her with the nickname he gave her years ago. She continues walking towards him, fixing her bag strapped lightly

“Hey, I thought you’re out with Top?” Hope questioned, standing by the table Rafe currently sat at. The boy takes a long drag from his blunt before he answered it

“Nah, he’s out with Sarah” Rafe answered and her face drops a little

“Wait, so Sarah’s not home?” she asked, just to make sure

“No, Top picked her up half an hour ago” Rafe repeats again, glancing up at the girl. He notices the change of her face, like disappointed or something

Hope sighing at the news, maybe she can retrieve her parcel next time when Sarah or Topper already home. Or maybe she can ask Kelce if he’s free, yeah she’s going to ask him for it. Hoping he's also not out with anyone

“What’s wrong? She promised you out or something?” He asked her back at the obvious expression from her. Hope looking back to him at the question

“No” she shakes her head, pulling out a chair and taking a sit on it “I kinda want to ask Sarah to go somewhere with me. But that’s fine, I can just ask her later when she’s home” she explained, pulling a soft smile

Rafe nods, taking another drag from his blunt

“Where do you wanna go?” he asked, smokes slipping out from his mouth while he’s asking her

“A hotel somewhere at the Cut. My parcel got stuck there because of the hurricane. I’ve never been there before and Top said I need someone to be with me if I want to go out to The Cut”

“You want to get your parcel at anonymous hotel at the Cut?” Rafe asked, narrowing his eyes and she nods

“You probably got kill there for as much as I know” he sarcastically said “Those dirty Pogues probably trying to rob you or something” he continues

Hope grimaces a little at his harsh words, not for her of course but for the way he has some sceptic thoughts about the Pogues when he barely know them. Not all of them are bad, some of them maybe but killing? She never thought of that. The Kooks can be bad too

“You can’t say that, they’re not that bad” Hope mutters it and Rafe scoff

“Not that bad?” he asked, raising his brow and she

“You don’t know how they’re behaving, Hope. It’s on their blood, their nature. Being bad and shits, that’s for sure. They like to get their hands dirty, because they are dirty Pogues” Rafe continues his insult at them, he has a tremendous hatred for the Pogues and everyone know it

Hope doesn’t like it when he’s talking very sure like this, because she knows he’s wrong. Though she never really get involved with the Pogues, she knows they aren’t as bad as Rafe said or people portrayed them to be.

Heyward is a Pogue and he’s so nice to her, Pope is nice too. She knows it, she can see it with her own eyes. And JJ, he seems nice despite what people talked about his father

Though she’s only talked to him just yesterday and it was a short one, she knows JJ isn’t bad. He could just yell at her or insult her the way her brother would do to him every time he saw him but he didn’t, that already tells her a lot

“I don’t like it when you’re talking about them like that, Rafe” Hope states it, she gives a little discomfort look on her face. Rafe scoff once again, almost can believe what he just heard

“You’re too sweet, Mia. I get it why Topper can’t get you out from his eyes, people would fuck you up and takes you as granted” be spats, shaking his head

Hope frowns a little

Rafe throws the blunt on the grass before he gets up from his chair, Hope looks up and watching him carefully with her eyes “Come on, I’ll get you there” He suddenly said making Hope’s eyes widened

“No, no. I can just wait for another time, it’s nothing” she quickly decline the offer

“Get your ass up now, Hope” he demanded, making Hope to swallow a little hard. As much as she likes Rafe, she’s not fond of this side of him. He can be a little scary sometimes

“You sure? I thought you hate being near the Cut?” she asked, just to make sure. She knows Rafe hates it

“It’s better you’re going with me than Sarah. At least those dirty Pogues won’t fuck with me” he states “and we can keep you out from getting murdered”

Hope scrunched up her face when Rafe bringing that up again “Don’t say that, it’s not nice”

“I’m telling the truth” he shrugged “Now, come on and give me your keys. I’m driving there” he holds out his palm, asking for her keys

“Why would I do that?”

“Because I’m a better driver”

“Says who? Topper said you almost ran over a trashcan last time you guys went out” Hope squints her eyes, using the little information Topper told her against the boy.

“It’s because I can’t fucking see, Topper’s big head blocking the view” he protests making Hope to chuckle

“Sure” she said, not believing him. Rafe let out a grunt at the response “You want to get your parcel or not?” he annoyingly asks, rolling his eyes at her

“Okay, dude, calm down” Hope said, rising up from her chair while can’t help to find it funny at the tantrum Rafe throwing out. He looks like a big fussy baby

“Give me the keys” Rafe demanded again, holding out his hand. This time, instead of making any comment about it, she puts her keys on his palm
Rafe gives her a big grin before he walks towards her car and she follows him suite

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