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Oh, Y/N darling been a long time since I saw you." The lady clad in her white shimmery dress embrace you.

"You look lovely." You smile fakely, roaming your eyes around to search for certain someone.

The lady seems to notice your stares. "Y/N Jung-won will be here shortly."

"Oh- okay. Umm, it seems like he will come with his brother." You asked with a curious voice.

"Yes, Jungwon, along with Jungkook, went for a meeting together. Jungwon is finally taking an interest in business." You nodded as your mom step in the conversation

"Y/N is also trying to get herself involved with the business with the help of her father." The two ladies keep chit chatting while you look around to get yourself out of the conversation.

"Mom, Mrs Jeon, I want to grab some drinks. Please excuse me." You said and walked away from them, walking to the drinks section.

"One Strawberry daiquiri" You ordered the bartender sitting yourself on one of the stool.

Soon, you felt a tap on your shoulder, making you turn around.

"Jungwon.." You smiled at the man standing up to give him a side hug.

"Hi Y/N..." His brother greeted eyeing your wrist wrapped in Jungwon's clasp.
You quickly retared your hand, smiling at the older guy. "Hi Jungkook." You give him a very bright smile

"Jungwon, I'll see you around." The man leaves you two alone.

"So tell me, how is everything going?" He asked, pulls out his phone, and started to type something. Why is this man always on the phone?

"Why are you always on your phone?" You asked curiously. "It's work Y/N, we're getting married I have to responsible."

'I have to be responsible,' you mock in your head. Dumbass.

You look around to find that one particular man only to find him already looking at you. His large veiny hand wrapped a glass of whiskey within it. Your eyes traveled to his big body clad in a black expensive suit.

"Jungwon," you called the man beside you still on his phone "hmm"

"I'm gonna go to the restroom," you informed him "hmm" you roll your eyes, leaving him there.


"Who *thrust* gave *thrust* you *thrust* the *thrust* permission *thrust* to dress *thrust* so sexy *thrust* here?" Your mouth hang open while your body is pinned to the wall. Your dress riding up to your waist. Your legs wrapped around his waist while you held him for your dear life.

"J-jungkook...." You moan out, pulling his locks. "Speak up." He greeted his teeth, looking at your pleased face.

"I-i only d-dress for y-you.." he groans, pulling you in for a rough kiss. He sucked your lower lip before intruding his tongue in your mouth. His mouth tasted like mints whiskey and cigarettes. You're drunk into him.

"That's r-right." He whispers before spitting in your mouth. "Swallow..." You swallow it quickly before he smashes his mouth back on yours.

You kissed him back in a messy way as your highs approach you. "You're c-close? Cum on me. Milk my cock."

He slams into you harder making you cum quicker than you thought.

He slams for few minutes more and cum into you. Glad you're on pills. He rest his body on yours relaxing in the same position. You catch your breath before unwrapping yourself from him. The moment you put your feet on the floor you were about to fall due to the way your legs are trembling but he was quick to catch you in his arms as you both let out giggles.

"Be careful angel." He puts you back on your feet as you hold onto him to maintain your balance.

"Why? When you're here to save me always" you smiled wearing your thongs back before walking to the mirror in the restroom.

"Anyone can tell that I got fucked hard by my appearance right now." You joked looking at your shimmered mascara and lipstick with messy hair. The thin straps of the dress falling off the shoulders carelessly. Boobs are almost spilling out. You pull out some wiped out of your purse, wiping the mascara and lipstick off. He comes behind you after fixing his pants.

"That means I did a great job." He smacks yours ass and fixes your straps, kissing your bare skin.

"Yes, you did." You giggle and pull out your mascara stick to fix your lashed back.

Yes you are fucking your finance's brother. It's complicated, but you dont care. Your parents fixed your marriage with Jungwon without asking you. The man who rarely acknowledged you. You've known this family because of the good relations with yours. Since the very beginning, you've always liked Jungkook, although he was married. Hell, you've even attended his wedding. Until one day your family decided to arrange you with Jungwon. He's the same age as yours Twenty six while jungkook is thirty four. You've been into this engagement for nearly two years. You would have been married last year if Jungkook didn't decided to divorce his wife.

He went through a very messy divorce where his got false allegations. His image to tarnish by that woman until she was proven to be cheating. It was you who came forward to give him emotional support. You've let him cry on your shoulder. That changed into sneaking out to meet each other behind your family's back. He opened up to you about how he was arranged too with his ex-wife. Who was too ignorant to have a child with him. He said even though he didn't love her but he respected her and still wanted to have a child with her she always refused saying she wanted to adopt. He was ready for that but he still wanted a child of his own. He thought she might be infertile but the doctor contradicted saying she's healty to carry a child. Until he found her cheating around.

You repaired his broken heart with love that he craved for. You craved for the same love which your fiance didn't try to give you. He's an asshole, he loves fucking around. He never once took you on a proper date. He never once held you with love. He never once acknowledged your feelings so you decided to receive what Jungkook had to offer.

"Your mom just fixed the date of the marriage." You informed looking at his reflection in the mirror. He stopped kissing your neck.

"We've four months." You added feeling his body stiffen against yours.

"Can't you delay?" He asked caressing your shoulders

"I already did. I don't think I can anymore. I don't even have a proper excuse for it." You said putting your lipstick on.

"Can't you call this off?" He asked hugging your figure. "No Jungkook. I can't. Every one is aware of this engagement. If i suddenly call this off to be with you. It gonna ruin my family's image pretty bad. I don't want that."

"So you're gonna give up on me? Give up on us? Give up on what we have?" He asked with a stern look

"It's not like I want to but I have no other choice but hey..." You turm around and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"We have four months. Let's make good memories." You smiled hurt before smashing your lips on his..

'I won't let you go that easily Y/N' He thought while kissing you with all the passion.


To be continued

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