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The sound of crockery echoes through the room as the maid serves dinner. You sat opposite your mother. Both of you are not that close. The perfect family of yours is not actually perfect. Your father is mostly on business trips just like now, and your mother is always busy with her high-class parties. Growing up, they never actually paid attention to you, and that's what you hate about them. They were never good parents.

You started eating in silence. the same goes for your mom. "You all can leave," your mom utters as the maids start to leave the room, leaving you alone with your mother.

You continued eating. "Are you ready for the wedding. Only two weeks are left." You glance at her for a moment before looking away.

"Yes," you shortly replied. "Are you sure?" You nodded, knowing she has her eyes on you.

"Then when are you stopping your affair with Jungkook?" Your eyes widen in shock. "How do yo -"

"You think I wouldn't notice? I know where you spend your nights Y/N" you suck up a breath. "You have people watching me, mom,"

"I didn't want to, but when I noticed subtle smiles and gazes between you two, I had to." You're utterly disgusted by her.

"That's disgusting mom," you glared at her.

"Your fiance is an extremely immature childish guy I understand what got into you and I wouldn't have minded you dating Jungkook he's the elder son of the family mature rich handsome and what not but the thing is you're engaged to his brother and unfortunately the wedding is in two weeks the invitations have gone to the elites of our society. I don't want to risk our family reputation if someone gets to know about this sneaky little affair of yours. I want you to stop this right now."

Your heart sank at her words how her so-called family reputation is bigger than her only child's happiness.

"I am surprised the way those words slipped out of your mouth. It's not about my finances being immature it's about HOW HE TREATS ME!!!! You've never asked me before setting up this engagement. You've never asked how he treats me. You've never once tried to communicate with me about this whole thing. That's.....that's the difference between you and Jungkook. When my own family didn't care about my feelings and opinion, he did. When no one was there for me, he was. He has given me so much love in the last few months that you didn't in the past twenty-six years. He makes me feel loved and wanted, and he is not afraid to risk his family reputation to be with me, so won't I, mom. "


"No, mom, I'm choosing my happiness over whatever family reputation you're talking about." You said without looking away from her burning glare.

"Y/N YOU -"

"And I promise you mom, this wedding is not happening," you announced, getting up from the chair and leaving the room with thick tears building up in your eyes.

Just like that, you found yourself going back to him sobbing in his arms while he patted your back and kissed your forehead multiple times while whispering, "I'll make everything right." to you until you fall asleep with head on his chest.

"You don't need to worry. We have a very beautiful future ahead."This was the last thing you heard before you fell asleep.

A groan left his lips as he reached for his phone on the nightstand. Sera? Why is she calling him? He softly placed your head on the pillow before picking up the call.


'Jungkook! Where is Y/N? Why isn't she picking up the call?'

'She's sleeping, and I don't know where her phone is'

'Guys, I don't know, but you have to see this asap.'

His phone dings Sera has sent a message. It's a link.
The link sent him to the article.

*The heiress of Kim&Co. Kim Y/N caught cheating with her brother in law and owner of the Jeon groups Jeon Jungkook.*

His eyes widen as he scrolls down to see pictures of the both of you on the parking lot holding hands.

Kim Y/N and Jeon Jungkook have been spotted together in the Purple Hills apartments where the male owns a luxurious penthouse

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Kim Y/N and Jeon Jungkook have been spotted together in the Purple Hills apartments where the male owns a luxurious penthouse.

Two years ago, Kim Y/N was engaged to Jeon Jungwon for an arranged marriage. The two had been seen in many business gatherings along with their family since then.

As we all know, Jeon Jungkook was divorced a few months ago when his ex-wife was caught cheating on him.

Recently, we spotted both of the said people together holding hands. According to our sources, both of them have had an affair since the beginning of this year after Jeon Jungkook's divorce.

We inform you that Kim Y/N and Jeon Jungwon are set to get married at the beginning of August.

Now the question is why Kim Y/N decided to go behind her fiance's back and cheat on him with his brother?

For more updates, stay tuned.

-this is so fucked up...why would jeon jungkook even do that to his own brother.

-love the drama😂

-Kim Y/N, you're a slut

-girl I'll go for jeon jungkook too just look at him.

-Both the family will suffer from this. Their businesses are over.

-I think Kim Y/N and Jeon Jungkook do match.

- better... both the brothers can share her after the marriage. 😉

-she must love sleeping around

-oh boy, the girl is going to ruin both the brother's relationship.

-@kimyn_kim&co this is her Instagram username go leave some nice comments😡😠🤬


To be continued

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