Don't be <3

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Jisung was woken up by his phone ringing. He lazily reached out for the said phone which was at the coffee table.

'Lee Minho school:(' the screen read, he picked it up and pressed it to his ear. "What?" He questioned nonchalantly.

"Can you come to the lake?" The caller said followed by a sigh. Jisung thought for a while, almost falling asleep again.

"You there?" Minho asked, jisung shook his head and replied, "yeahyeah. I'll be there" "I'll be waiting" Minho said and hung up.

With a groan jisung got up and putted on a random hoodie, not caring whether it is washed or not.

After picking up his wallet and keys he made his way out the door.


"She ditched you?!" Jisung exclaimed almost falling off the bench, his bestfriend laughed, "it isn't a big deal"

Jisung stood up in front of his bestfriend, "what do you mean? It is a big deal! How dare she ditch the Lee Minho!" The mentioned boy just kept silent.

The younger clicked his tongue and stared down at Minho. "What did she say" he asked. Without saying anything Minho unlocked his phone and passed it to jisung, and the boy took it immediately.

Today 4:10pm

Where are you?
I'm waiting:)

I'm sorry I can't come.
Me and my ex made up smh
I hope you understand:)
Seen 36min ago

"Bitch" jisung mumbled and gave Minho's phone back to him. "You know what sungie" the older said and looked up at the boy. "I'm not affected"

Jisung pressed his lips in a line and sat beside Minho again, "you can share anything with me, you know right?" Minho nodded.

The younger noticed that Minho was acting weirdly sweet today. Sus.

"I think" Minho spoke up and stood up walking towards the lake. Jisung copied his actions and stood behind him, at a two steps distance.

"You think?" Jisung said wanting the older to continue whatever he was saying. "I think that I like someone else, not Sunhi. We were not even compatible" Minho said and turned around, smiling.

Jisung felt weird, he did not like Sunhi, infact he did not like any of the people Minho has dated or liked. He wanted Minho to himself, but he was nothing but just a coward and could not bring himself to confess his feelings.

"Who do you like then?" He asked hesitantly, Minho took one step forward while looking down at his feet.

And when Minho looked up, it was like everything around them stopped, time stopped, only the soft rumbling of wind could be heard.

"I'm a idiot for realising this so late" Minho smiled, as if he wasn't before.

"You know Sungie there is this one person, who is always right by my side. He's super sweet and caring. Even when I'm at my lowest he has the ability to make me laugh. If I called him crying, he would show up right away, no matter the time. That's how much he cares for me. I never thought that someone could care for me as much as he is doing"

To say jisung was jealous would be an understatement. He wanted to know who the person is.

But before he could ask anything Minho covered his eyes with his hand, "I'm sorry" the older mumbled. Jisung was nervous, he didn't know what Minho was going to do, and then suddenly he felt a soft pair of lips kissing his.

None of them moved, they stayed there, close to each other.

Minho slowly detached his lips and removed the hand which was covering jisung's eyes.

Jisung was hesitant to open his eyes, but he eventually opened them. Minho was still standing there, in front of him.

"I'm sorry, I like you" the older confessed. Jisung swore his heart melted. He brought his hand to caress Minho's cheek.

"Don't be" he smiled, Minho was looking at him with genuine heart eyes, how could he say no, when his heart was screaming at him to just kiss the boy again.

"I like you too"

Hello my dear readers!!
It's been so long since I last updated, right? I will try my best to post more often now!!
How are you doing tho?
Have you eaten? If not then take a break and eat something<3

You are loved and wanted <3

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