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Ch 13: The True Danger In The Night

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I stood up, trying to remember how many lights lit up the Stronghold's fence and gate. Too many for a light-sensitive Nightstalker to approach, but I wasn't sure if there were enough for Daniel to fight effectively.

Just out of sight, Regan commented, "That's the direction I guided the survivors from. It must be following their trail."

If they had walked a few miles, the distance of the call lined up almost perfectly with where the truck had broken down. "That definitely wasn't a true Nightstalker, and I'd prefer to intercept it before it reaches the Stronghold."

"I agree. We have plenty of time to get in place."

I slung the coyote carcass over my shoulder. "I'm done, so I'll head over there in case this thing is faster than normal. The way this week has gone so far, I wouldn't be surprised if it was half as fast as a Terror. Most unranked can't smell worth beans, so this one is already ahead of the game if it's tracking the humans by scent."

Regan appeared on the path in front of me. "I'll join you. If your group is correct about the unranked only having some triggers from the rank above, it won't be as strong or fast as a Terror."

He had a point, although I doubted that he knew the true power of a Terror. "If it's as fast as a Terror, it'll be hell in a handbasket to take down. Thankfully, the unranked never seem to be quite as strong or fast as the rank above."

As he jogged ahead, he asked, "Are you going to use the coyote as bait?"

"No harm in trying. These guys don't always follow the rules, and I've seen at least one chase after a goat and ignore a human."

"I haven't seen that yet."

"Have you seen any drag branches across a trail to lure in prey?"

He sent a sharp look over his shoulder. "I hope that is an exaggeration."

"I'm afraid not. Smelled like a Nightstalker from a distance but wasn't bothered by light. Also wasn't content to eat rotting human flesh and went out in search of fresh prey. It wiped out a Stronghold before we arrived."

"All the more reason to not let this one get close," Regan stated, picking up speed despite his earlier proclamation about us having lots of time.

We traveled through the forest like a pair of silent shadows, easily locating the wide band of trampled grass left by Regan's rescues. A quick sniff confirmed the zombie hadn't come this way yet.

I hung the coyote from a branch in the middle of the trail. "I wonder how far away it is."

Regan drew a breath and raised his face to the sky as he loosed a Nightstalker scream. The cry pierced the night, marking Regan as someone who had never taken the controlex. An enraged warped scream replied as our unwanted guest contested Regan's claim on the hunting grounds.

"My guess is half an hour," Regan replied with a smug look.

I smirked in response. "Well, that's one way to ensure it comes this way for a visit."

Regan moved to the tree line and began checking the area. I followed his example and memorized the location of each hiding place or good ambush spot.

"What's your usual fighting style against something like this?" I asked him. "I have a bow if ranged weapons interest you. Or do you prefer to catch it by surprise in an ambush?"

There was silence before his voice floated out of the greenery somewhere to my left. "If this one is like the other one I fought, ranged attacks are advisable due to their strength. Even then, headshots are difficult and don't seem to be as effective as normal."

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