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Ch 23: Fences Make Good Neighbors

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I jumped off the back of the dune buggy as Jax stopped near the group. Wren still seemed uncertain around the Nightstalker but not as nervous as she had been an hour ago. The coil of rope must have convinced Nicky to be on her best behavior since she was still unrestrained.

As I came over, Regan commented, "It's not a weapon I'd carry, but it could distract a feral."

I shrugged. "I learned to throw it, but that's about it. Prybars are much more effective."

Nicky passed the boomerang to Wren as she told me, "More effective maybe, but learning new things keeps you young. Only dead fish go with the flow, and from the smell of someone's socks, something died about a month ago."

"Zombie feet don't sweat," I reminded her.

"Must be my socks then," she muttered, skipping to the side to avoid the wayward boomerang on its return trip.

Regan snagged the boomerang as it flew past him. After spinning it in his hand, he threw it into the air, and it whirled around us in a large circle before returning to him. He idly flipped it toward Nicky.

She caught it and grinned at me. "He's a quick learner."

Regan kept a straight face without any reply, which in itself told me that he silently enjoyed the compliment. Nightstalkers might be touchy and prideful, but our egos were subject to certain types of flattery.

As Nicky jogged back over to Wren, I told Regan, "Jax and I built a few log roadblocks on some trails between here and the town. So many zombies have crossed through the forest lately that they created several paths. Other zombies were starting to use them."

"I noticed zombies kept following one path, but I doubt how useful the blockage will be. Rainier Stronghold had to keep expanding the ones they built."

Jax wrinkled his nose. "I don't think the zombies will want to use that path anytime soon. Not if they have any sense of smell."

Regan turned his head toward Jax, suddenly intent on the conversation. "Oh?"

Jax shifted his weight under the Nightstalker's direct gaze. "Trinity found three nasty-smelling fish in the canal, chopped them up, and used a grass seed spreader to spread the muck across the path."

"The crows were already enjoying the feast when we left," I said, "so I'm not sure how effective it might be."

"If the smell lingers, it might discourage zombies from walking that way," Regan said.

"We'll see." I shrugged, dismissing the matter. Time would tell how effective it would be, especially when the zombies we were concerned about usually couldn't smell.

He nodded and turned his gaze to the boomerang as Wren threw it into the air.


As Nicky skipped into the Stronghold, she waved at Wren. "See you tomorrow!"

Someone started ringing the dinner bell and the redhead's footsteps sped up.

"Mind giving me a lift to town?" I asked Jax as I remained standing on the back of the dune buggy.

"Sure." He turned around and picked up speed.

When he hit a bump, the coil of rope almost slipped off the floor, forcing Wren to pin it under her shoe.

Jax picked a trail we hadn't blocked as he drove through the forest and came out at the edge of town. "Is this good?"

I jumped off. "Perfect. Thanks for the lift."

With a nod, he drove back into the forest. I flashed my teeth at several zombies heading my way. They took the hint but began heading for the trail the dune buggy had left. I knew there was no point in trying to block the trail since they'd just go around me, so I spun on my heels and jogged along the tree line as if hunting.

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