Chapter 49: Package [Start of Book 2]

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Toren Daen

I dropped down the shaft of the Cistern, landing without a sound. Standing up, I dusted off my cloak, peering around the familiar setting. It was a bit colder here than in the open air, but another pull on my mana core managed to warm me up.

I considered what I was going to say when I met the rest of the Rats. When I first joined the crew a few weeks ago, I had joined partially for companionship. But as part of my deal with Karsien, once the Joans were dealt with, I was free to leave.

I didn't want to cut ties with them. They were good people, not just for me, but for the entire city. I'd be going into the Relictombs regularly, true, but I did need a home base outside the djinn's deathtrap.

And I planned to keep helping East Fiachra in the future. Even if I didn't take part in thieving missions on the regular, I'd be more than willing to supply these people financially.

My plans were thoroughly derailed when I entered the main room of the Cistern. Each and every one of the Rats were surrounding the planning table.

Hofal and Karsien looked distinctly worried, the former tapping his foot with a frown on his face as he stared at something I couldn't quite make out. Wade sat back in a chair, a strange mashup of awe and concern fighting for dominance on his face.

Naereni's eyes glittered even from here. She alone seemed to have uncomplicated feelings about whatever had happened.

"Am I interrupting something?" I asked, walking in slowly. Naereni shook her head, but Wade nodded. Huh.

Then I looked at what he was holding in his arms. It was a dark brown creature, covered in light scales and with a rodent's nose. A ring of whitish fur rimmed its eyes.

It was a baby skaunter. It looked at me, tilting its head inquisitively from the nestle of Wade's arms.

And it was panting. Like a dog.

Abso-fucking-lutely not.

"What the hell is that thing doing here?!" I said, pointing at the little skaunter, remembering how one of them had shredded my arms. "It's a wild mana beast!"

"It is not!" Naereni cried indignantly, standing between my accusing finger and the clearly savage beast. "It was a gift! And his name is Apple!"

"I was going to pick-" Wade started saying from behind the girl.

"His name," Naereni reiterated, not looking back at Wade, "Is Apple!"

Wade furrowed his brow, then his eyes widened as he flushed crimson. "Apple it is," he said, some sort of private joke landing.

"It's a skaunter!" I said, trying to get my point across. The little beast looked at me with wide, endearing eyes, making a little skittering cough. I wouldn't be fooled.

"It's tamed to be a pet," Hofal added from the side, a complicated expression on his face. Surely he didn't endorse keeping that thing? "And Wade thinks it has a unique synergy with his runes."

I glared at the little mana beast until it curled into a ball, whimpering slightly in Wade's arms.

"Stop being sour, Toren," Naereni said. "If it makes you feel any better, you've got your own gift, too."

I reeled back. Why would I want a skaunter? Those things were tiny demons!

Hofal diffused the situation with a huff. "It was good work you did against the Joans," he said, changing the topic. "Though perhaps you should think before rushing into danger."

I winced internally, remembering how I'd left the shield behind. That might not have been the smartest move.

"The shield speaks wisdom, Contractor. You would do well to listen," Lady Dawn added over our bond.

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