Author's (Discordant) Note + Illustrations

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When I first started writing Discordant Note, it started with a simple question: What would I really do if I were reincarnated into my favorite series?

Many people watch anime and read books for the escapism; for the desire to put themselves in the shoes of the protagonist as they decimate everything in their way. If one is suddenly in a world that is functionally your playground, then one can pretend that they don't have to cram for exams. That the looming deadlines at work aren't stealing a bit of their souls with every step. That the world isn't on the brink of explosion, and that there is absolutely nothing your tiny, little self can do to change it.

But as I looked at all of these depictions of isekai, I felt a disconnect. There are so many power fantasies out there without spending detail on the smaller pieces of the reincarnated. That focus on the minds of those within, focusing on their motivations and desires as they move through a familiar (or unfamiliar) world.

So I began to answer that question in prose. Each chapter filled out a little more of my perspective: from Toren's desire to care for those around him to his despair at losing the opportunities of his previous life.

And before long, I found myself asking more questions. What does brotherhood mean to me? What is the essence of community and those we hold close to our hearts? What do I think romance should be for both involved? If I had power, what would I do with it--or more accurately, what would I want myself to do with it?

And above all, how do I reconcile my empathy in a world that constantly seeks to strip me of it piece by bloody piece?

You've all read my answers to these questions; or at least part of those answers. I'm still answering each and every one of them with every stroke of my metaphorical pen. Discordant Note has grown to become something far more than I ever expected within my mind: a journal of sorts, where I catalog what I am, what I wish I could be, and what I see in the world.

It's been a long road to the end of Volume 3. Toren has fought, bled, and died (twice!) to finally make it to a point where he can change this shitty world he's in. For all those wondering, I have the rest of this story (Discordant Note will have 6 Volumes in total) outlined to finish.

And for all those who have read this far: Thank you. Thank you for following not just Toren's journey, but mine as I try to understand everything in my life through the lens of prose. Thank you from the deepest depths of my heart(fire) for giving this little fanfic a chance, and I hope you stay with me on this journey.

Link to Part 2:

Toren Daen, by Aphora

com/story/369154315-discordant-note-crescendo-tbateToren Daen, by Aphora

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Lady Dawn, by Aphora

Lady Dawn, by Aphora

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Naereni Manifests, by Takata Yukii

Naereni Manifests, by Takata Yukii

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Renea Shorn, by Aphora

Renea Shorn, by Aphora

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The End of Mardeth, by Noomuaz

The End of Mardeth, by Noomuaz

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