Chapter 130: The Matron of the Denoirs

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Toren Daen

Finding a fast route back to Aensgar was far less trouble than I expected. Mawar, Sevren, and I walked on foot for a short time until we found a secluded village along the banks of the Redwater. After flashing a sizable pouch of coins and the Denoir insignia, one of the men had been more than happy to sell us three of his leashed reptilian mana beasts.

It was only my superb balance honed over the months of training that kept me from falling off as the reptilian creatures darted along the road in a twining, back-and-forth way that was not good for the stomach. I had a feeling that we'd overpaid the man in that village for his animals.

The events at Mardeth's base loomed over everyone present, though all for different reasons. Mawar had taken to wearing a hood to cover her face from any travelers, and Sevren had done the same. As the other two began trying to keep their identities more secret, so did I.

After several days of travel, Aensgar finally loomed in our sight. The towering keeps and massive fortifications blocked out the rising sun, our mounts hissing in annoyance as they were forced into the shade.

Before we reached the gates, Mawar turned to Sevren and me nervously. She opened her mouth, clearly wanting to say something. The powerful retainer was nowhere to be seen: only someone who had just lost the penultimate fight of their life.

"Our lips are sealed about what happened in that cavern," I said quietly, suspecting what she was about to ask. I chanced a glance at the solemn Denoir heir next to me.

She nodded stiltedly. Truthfully, there wasn't much she could do to protest. I'd grown even more powerful since our last duel, and I suspected she knew it. Her own strength was insufficient to force my silence. "If you want any sort of payment for doing so..." she started. "Materials? Training? Money?"

I blinked in confusion as Aurora sighed sadly. She thinks you mean to blackmail her, the phoenix conveyed over our bond. So she is offering hush money to motivate you.

I sighed, again cursing this political system. "If you hadn't rushed in to hold off Mardeth for a while, I wouldn't have been able to save Sevren from the vicar," I said honestly, waving my hand dismissively. "Call it even, yeah?"

Mawar looked at me uncertainly, before dismounting her lizard beast. She handed me the reigns, gave me one last look, and turned to go.

"Mawar," I said, interrupting her as she took a step. She paused, turning to look at me with uncertain scarlet eyes. "You decide your own worth," I said, hoping she would one day believe my words. "Not those around you."

The retainer nodded stiffly. I knew she didn't believe me, at least not in the depths of her soul. But as the young Vritra-blooded mage covered herself in darkness and bounded up Aensgar's tall walls, I hoped one day she would see the truth. I didn't know how this would play out in the future, but I hoped things could improve for the woman. We weren't friends; not exactly. But we weren't enemies either.

Sevren and I sold our mounts outside the city, and from the cash we made back, I knew for sure that the Denoir heir had far overpaid for them. We stealthily maneuvered our way through the city, carefully making our way to the Aensgar Ascender's Association. Once we were inside and nearing the Ascension Portals, our swift walk slowed.

Sevren turned to me as we reached the massive portals. "If you want to prove to my family that I sent you, then you're going to need this," he said, handing me a deep gold medallion inscribed with the Denoir insignia. "And this," he added, giving me a piece of paper he'd torn from his notebook.

I read over the note. It was an abbreviated description of where I needed to go through the estate to reach his room, and where exactly in his room he left his... I squinted, looking at the words.

Discordant Note | TBATETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon