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We got into the restaurant and sat down at a secluded table toward the back.

Zoe, me and my dad sat on one side of the booth and Jennifer, Walker and Mark sat on the other. Shawn and Elizabeth pulled up chairs on the ends of the table so we could all see them.

Zoe sat across from Jennifer in the middle, Mark sat across from my dad on the aisle side, and Walker sat across from me against the window.

"Hi, you're the cast of The Adam Project, right? I'm Harley, I'll be your waitress. Can I get you started with some drinks?" Harley asked as she got her notepad out.

"Uh, yeah. We are. I'll take a strawberry lemonade and thank you." I tell her with a smile.

"I'll take the same." Walker says as he looks at me.

"And for the adults, 6 waters and 2 bottles of wine." Ryan says with a big grin.

"Red or white?" The waitress Harley asks.

"White." Elizabeth replies as she opens her menu.

"Those will be right out." Harley walks away.

"Alright team, first mini meeting. So I'm going to be giving you your scripts for the first few scenes your in so that you can get practicing." Shawn says and hands us each a packet of neatly stapled papers.

"Walker and Delphi will have the first two scenes of the movie together, then Jennifer will come in on the 3rd day. After about a week, we'll bring in Ryan, then another two weeks and Zoe and Elizabeth, then after about a month or so Mark." Shawn explains.

We all nod our heads as he hands us our scripts and we start looking through them.

I flipped through the first two scenes, a scene with Walker running through the school and a scene with the two of us in a playground.

Harley comes back with our drinks and passes them out, earning a thanks from all of us before we order.

I get chicken alfredo with a side of a breadstick, Zoe gets a soup and French bread, my dad gets spaghetti and meatballs, Walker gets basil angel hair pasta, Mark and Elizabeth get cesar salads, and Shawn and Jennifer get lasagna.

We start eating, talking and joking amongst ourselves between bites and drinks.

After we finish eating, my dad has the slightly drunken idea to walk around Vancouver, to which everyone agrees.

Shawn pays for everyone's dinner before we head out, walking up the street toward the lights of the city.

"Come on, let's stay toward the back so we don't lose any of these idiots." Walker says as he lets the adults walk past us.

"Good idea." I nod as I shiver a bit.

"Shit, are you cold?" He asks immediately. "Here, take my jacket."

He takes off his black blazer and throws it on my shoulders as we walk, not giving me a chance to protest.

I put my arms through the jacket, the sleeves falling halfway down my hand since Walker was a bit taller and had longer arms than me.

He puts his arm around my shoulder as we walk into the city and I shiver again, but not from the cold this time.

I hear a lot of commotion before several camera clicks, indicating paparazzi.

"Hey, childish adults, we've got company." I tell Shawn and my Dad, who have been shoving each other for the last 5 minutes.

"Let's go in here." Walker points at a book store. He moves his arm from my shoulders to my waist and guides me into the store before the paparazzi can get anymore pictures of us.

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