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The next morning I wake up to my dad shaking me lightly, saying my name once in a while.

"What do you want?" I groan as I Duck my head under my blanket.

"Jeez grouch. How late were you two out last night?" Shawn laughs as he tries to wake up Walker.

"We got back in after dark, so like 10 or 11 maybe?" I shrug as I start to fall back asleep.

"And where'd you get the bear?" My dad asks as he goes to grab my teddy bear.

"Walker won it for me last night." I tell him quietly as I grab the bear, pulling it under the blanket with me.

"Aww, cute!" Elizabeth exclaims as she walks into the room as well, causing me to poke my head out from the blankets.

"Wait, I didn't get to see the bear!" Jennifer complains as she joins the other adults.

"I've got the coffees, what did I miss?" Mark asks as he passes out the drinks to the adults.

"Walker and Delphi went on a date last night and came home super late. But Walker won a teddy bear for Delphi." Zoe explained with a high pitched voice.

"It wasn't a date." I correct as I sit up on my bed, where my dad, Elizabeth, Zoe, Mark, Jennifer, and Shawn are all sitting already.

"Sure it wasn't champ." Mark pats my arm from beside me.

I was sitting against the middle of my headboard, my dad on my left and Mark on my right. Zoe and Elizabeth were laying on their sides at our feet while Jennifer and Shawn sat at the end of the bed.

"The fuck did I miss?" Walker groans as he sits up in his bed, rubbing his eyes as he runs a hand through his hair.

"Well I hate to interrupt what I'm sure is going to be a great rant, but care to tell us why you were in our room before we were even awake?" I smile sarcastically at the crowd of people around me.

"Right! We're going on a little trip into the forest. There's a big lake a little ways in and I thought it'd be fun to get out today. Shawn smiles widely at the group.

"Do we have to? I just woke up, and Delphi woke up like what? 5 minutes ago?" Walker yawned, causing me to yawn.

(I yawned after I wrote that lmao)

"Yes, we're all going." Elizabeth says as she stands up off my bed.

"You guys have an hour or so to wake up and get ready before we leave." Jennifer adds as she gets up as well.

"So we'll be back in an hour." Shawn waves as he leaves the room through the regular door.

"You don't have to wear your bathing suits if you don't want to." Zoe tells us as she gets off my bed.

"But I advise you to. It's the middle of May, so it may get pretty warm." Mark tells us as he goes into his and my dad's room.

"See ya later kids." My dad smiles and kisses the top of my head before leaving, him and Zoe shutting the connecting doors.

"So they know about last night?" Walker asks as he scratches his head.

"They know we got back very late." I shrug as I lay back down. "And they know we went sugar crazy."

"And now we have to get ready for the lake." Walker sighs dramatically.

"Yeah, I guess. Thanks again for the bear, I think he helped me sleep better last night." I say as I make the bear do a flip in the air.

"Of course." Walker smiles softly. "And since when was it a him?"

"Since I named him Adam." I grin back at him as he laughs quietly.

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