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Our entire team began high-fiving us while we all laughed, our coaches congratulating us on our performance.

Everyone split up and I ran to Momona, engulfing her in a hug as my friends cheered my name, making me laugh so much my sides hurt.

I hugged each and every one of them, thanking them for being here for me.

I brought Momona and Walker over to the player's bench with me as I sat down and took off my court shoes, changing into my other pair of socks before putting my spare crocs on.

I stood up and began chugging my water as Walker began carefully taking my ponytail out of my hair, placing my hair tie on his wrist and massaging my scalp softly when he was done.

"You did amazing Delph!" Momona squealed as she clapped her hands excitedly.

"Of course she did, it's Delphi we're talking about." Walker said softly as he continued massaging the soreness from the ponytail out of my scalp.

"And what...exactly...is he doing here, Delphi Marigold Reynolds?" My dad demanded to know as he walked over, James slumped onto his shoulder asleep.

"Well he came to watch me play, obviously. He's my friend, my friends came to my game, he's here." I tell him, standing between Walker and my dad.

Walker's hands drop from my head as he faces my dad.

"All due respect, Ryan, but you can't keep me from going to her games. You can ban me from your house, and you can ban her from coming to mine. But I'll always be here when I can, cheering her on." Walker says firmly, standing his ground.

"I-" My dad sighs aggressively before trying to speak again. "Games and that's it. Fuck you two make it so hard to adult!"

"Language, Mr. Reynolds. I understand your a celebrity, but there are children present, as I'm sure you understand." Coach Heather told him firmly.

"Get him Coach." Travis giggles as he high fives Heather while drinking his water.

"Oh be quiet Travis." Jenna rolls her eyes before smiling at me.

"Yeah, her and her little boy toy are getting yelled at." Gracie joked, enraging my dad.

"Not dating huh? Then how the hell do you explain that, Delphi?" My dad says through clenched teeth.

"Uhm, they're my friends, and they tease me." I roll my eyes as I speak in a 'duh' tone.

"Don't roll your eyes at me Delphi." My dad orders.

My mom comes over with Inez asleep on her side and James holding her hand. "Calm down, Ryan."

"Yeah, Ryan, listen to your wife." I retort sarcastically.

"That's dad to you." He corrects, silently challenging me to call him by his name again.

"Not right now it's not. Because you've been being a terrible father lately! What kind of dad bans their kid from seeing her best friend? What kind of dad makes their kid hang up the phone any time she's on the phone with him? It's your fault I'm in my room all day, because I can't stand being around you! Because all I can think about when I'm around you is how much fun I'd be having if Walker was there with us. And look at that, you made him unable to do that. You ruined that too." I rant as everyone clears out of the gym except my friends and coaches.

"That's not fair Delph-" My mom buts in, but I quickly interrupt her.

"No! What's not fair is not letting me see Walker! And what's not fair is that you just let him control my life like this! You're supposed to be my mom, you're supposed to stand up for me when I need you to." I tell her before turning to my dad.

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