Chapter 9-I understand

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Aria Matthews:

I explained it to him...everything from beginning to end. I didn't cry any more I guess I got it all out when I was talking to Aaron. 

He just hugged me and told me how sorry he was. I mean he never was the compassionate type...that was really more Aaron now that I think about it.


Back to being a fake couple! 

Why are you so enthusiastic about this Aria?...I mean it's Aaron for god sakes

I Woke up and threw on my nude body con dress that stops right above my knees. I paired it with my white Nike ups and my hair down but parted to the side. I did a natural look for my make up and then grabbed my beige Purse/School bag and headed out the door to my car. 

It was my turn this time to drive so I had to get up earlier than usual. I drove down the street waiting for Aaron because he takes forever to get ready. Then he finally comes out. 

"Hey Princess" He knows I hate that name

"Hop in Pretty boy" and he did but I had to make a pit stop first

"Really Ari? You cannot live one day without the Evergreen Cafe?"

"Umm...Nope, Let me live I need coffee in my life"

I got out of the car and that is when he saw my outfit. I can't say that I wasn't happy that he liked it, the way the tip of his mouth went all the way up had me ecstatic...Aaron is finally not looking at me like 'Cameron's little sister' even though we are the same age.

"Hey welcome to The Evergreen Cafe! My name is Layla How may I help you today?"Then she looked at me 

"Oh Ari it's you...hi Aaron. Your usual Aria?"

"Yes please"

So yeah I kind of have a sister on my dad's side. I went on Ancestry DNA and found out I had one...sadly her story is the same as mine. Our father raped her when she was 6 then fled. Jesus that man has a pattern.

But ever since we found each other we have been kind of close. She works here and I work next door at Sephora. We also have the same lunch break so we go out together almost all the time.

"Here you go! Ill see you later? Dinner at your place?"

"Yeah...bye sis!"

"Bye Ari"


We made it to school and Aaron is always the type to make things really sell...What do you mean by that Aria? You might be asking well....

When we got out of the car me and Aaron were walking hand in hand, smiling and doing affectionate things to each other to make it really sell. But then Aaron does the unimaginable when we get to my locker, he smacks by butt.

Yes it jiggled and yes that make Aaron want to grip it. But that is not's what Aaron said

"I cannot wait to eat this piece of cake again pretty momma" emphasis on the again

My Cheeks flushed red, I was seriously sweating. At this point I felt like I was having a heat stroke. When Aaron seen that I wasn't doing anything he grabbed me by the waist and spun me around knocking our lips together.

I was shocked and startled at first but I eventually eased into it. And let me tell you it was passionate. It was the 'I am in love with you but don't want to let go' type of kiss. 

He then gave my butt a little squeeze letting be know he wants to pick me up. I granted him that access and he picked me up making my dress slide up a little. I wrapped my legs around his waist while we kept kissing


Saved by the bell again. When we pulled away we were both breathing heavy but were looking in each other's eyes. For some reason I wanted more. I wanted him to stay with me and keep kissing me like that, like there was no tomorrow.

Pull yourself together Aria! It's Aaron you are talking about 

Classes went by fast, probably because I kept thinking about Aaron the whole time 

Seriously Aria you need to pull yourself together girl this needs to stop! you are trying to make Ryan jealous...NOT fall in love...Wait love? did I just say that? Your bugging out girl 

Lunch came by sooner than expected. I sat at the table with my brother waiting for Thomas and Aaron to get out of class when my brother said

"Listen Aria, I know you are going through a lot but I seen the way you and him kissed this morning. Even the way you two react now. You are falling in love with him and he is falling in love with you. Even though I do not support this, I want you both to be happy...tell him"

"Your crazy man I do not love him and he does not feel that way about me"

"Whatever sis, deep down it's true, you just don't know it yet"

I scoffed and shook my head in disbelief that he thinks I am 'In Love with Aaron' he is really ridiculous.

"Hey Aria can we talk?" said Emily

"Yeah..go ahead shoot"

"I have a crush on Ryan...but before you say anything I haven't acted on it I just wanted you to know that I am having these feelings for him"

"Thanks for telling me Emily, I know It is not my choice, but I would prefer it if you and him does not date because that will be a little weird for me and he has done pretty messed up things to me...who says he is not going to do that to you? I don't want me or you getting hurt by him...ok?"

She nodded than walked away. 

It was kind of weird because usually Emily gives people a whole slideshow why something should happen or not. She was the type of girl to get what she wants.


Hey guys!

I know my writing is getting boring now...but I have planned out the next 5 chapters so it should be an adventurous ride for the both of them! 

Comment down if I should end the book with a cliffhanger so I could make another book..

Love you<3

Words: 1027

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