Chapter 11-Love or Lust

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Cameron Matthews:

To say that I was a little mad was an understatement. I mean how can this sick guy rape his daughter and now that I am hearing Layla's side two daughters and then come back like everything is fine?

I wanted to grab that guy's throat and kill him. And he had the nerve to do it while our mom was right outside. I've always wondered why she was walking funny that I know why.

Cmon Cameron get yourself together are rhyming like Aria now 

I went up to both of them and hugged them. After Aaron told me she seen him, Aria called Layla. I didn't know she got raped by him as well. That just makes me even more mad, that guy is seriously sick.

I went into my room and called the cops. Thank god Aaron is smart in some way...there was security cameras by the fountain..we can file a restraining order and have him arrested for rape. That man needs to be put away. Unfortunately mom is doing a night shift tonight so we can't reach her.

When I came back out of my room Aria and Layla were gone. I texted the both of them:

Me-Layla| Layla: Where are u @? 

Me- Aria| Aria: Where are u @? 

Layla-Me: txtd me asking where I was @

3 hours later

Still no answer from Aria. I am calling everyone she should know...everyone is saying they haven't seen her at all.

Now I am getting worried..she is probably out hurt somewhere.


I get a call from a No Caller ID. I pick up, some part of me wishing that is was Aria...

It is was about Aria.

"Yes Who is this?" I asked

"Hey My name is Dr. Andrews are you Cameron Matthews?...sister of Aria Matthews?" said Dr. Andrews

"Yes this is he...what is wrong?"

"I tried calling your mom but there was no answer..I was calling about your sister"

"Omg is everything alright?"

"Actually no, that is what I wanted to talk to you about....Your sister is in the hospital in a critical condition, we are trying everything we can but right now she is just struggling on life support"

"I am coming down there now! which hospital?"

"St. Boneventure" said Dr. Andrews 

"ok thank you so much I am coming right now"

The first thing I did was grab my keys and get into the car. I dialed Aaron and told him everything that is currently happening. I then picked him up and we drove to the under 2 minutes.

Ok Ok yes I was speeding but it is my sister what was I supposed to do...? go slow? yeah no

I got to the hospital and talked to Dr. Andrews. Apparently she had taken a large amount of Alcohol and started to drive. 

Now I am questioning how long I was in my bedroom for?

I went into her room and there she was....struggling on her life support. I felt like a terrible could I let this happen?

I was sitting next to her and held her hand, crying the whole time.

Aaron came up to me and said "Go bro...I'll stay, I have 2 free period's anyways, go come back when you are well rested...I will not leave her side promise"

I nodded, I was tired..I've been here for 5 hours and it is 5 in the morning now. But I trusted Aaron, I knew he would make sure that my baby sister was ok.

Aaron Palmer:

I had to stay with her...I had to make sure she was alright. I loved her...yes I said love. I realize it now how head over heels I am for I can't live without her. I need her in my life and I will never live with myself if she wasn't.

I sat down beside her after Cameron left. I scooped her soft delicate fingers in my hand, I then intertwined them and kissed them softly. I was crying at this point. 

Streams of tears were coming down my face. I didn't want to live without her...I couldn't live without her. I should have stayed close to her and never went to the bathroom, she was to distraught which made her drink. 

I was all my fault.

I took her hand again and kissed them multiple times saying "Aria...I love you, I cannot live without you..please wake up, I need you"

I started crying more, I then got up from the chair still holding her soft hands, and got into the bed with her. I layed beside her and wrapped my arm around her still being in her presence. Hopefully not for the last time.

I woke up to the sound of confusion "where am I?" said Aria

"Omg you're awake?!" I said

"Umm yeah why wouldn't I be?" 

"Your in the hospital because of a car crash you got into.."

"Omg my poor baby" 


"My Car!"

"Really scared us all, you could have died and the first thing you say is my poor baby....I was crying for god sakes"

Her face turned into her adorable cute face that she had

"You were crying for me?"

"Omg stop it your really mean"

"No I think it is cute actually" 

She then gave me a peck on the lips and turned over, trying to hide her red face from showing. I just chuckled and got up.


Hey guys!

Omg did Aaron use the big L word?? Do you think Aria feels the same way? Are they going to do it?

Good questions to ask...I might answer them lol

Word of the day: Nomads

Love you<3 

Words: 909

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