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Aaron Matthews:

"We are not going to stop until we kill this bitch, he has to pay for what he did"

"Yes sir" they chanted

Let me fill you in....So after Grayson busted the door in he took Aria while I tried to fight him off but they stabbed me in my right side rib cage. No one has seen Aria until I snuck into Grayson's mansion and seen her tied up to a bed while he was about to rape her. So today we are going to execute him and hang his head up in the house of Rulers or as we call it La casa dei governanti. 

We bust into the house and there she is, my queen my principessa all chained up and beaten, there is so much blood on her face but I easily recognized her. 


All of my loyal people charged after Grayson while me and Thomas (Yea he was the first in hand of my father but hey we will get to that later) went to free Aria from her chains. We unchained her and put her in our safe car so she can go back to the mansion.

"Hey, well look who it is, my favorite figo" 

"Stop take her, just leave my children" grayson spat

"Oh now you are worried about everyone else? after I caught you RAPING THE LOVE OF MY LIFE?" I looked at him and he was crying, such a bitch

"Kill him" and with that I walked away to be reunited with Aria


Hey guys!

It is the end of the book sadly but pay attention to my page because I will me making a new one with new enemy's 

I will post it up here when I am done with the cover

Pls follow for updates

Love you<3

Words: 299

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