Chapter 3

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Izuku would awaken with a groan, a throbbing headache, very thirsty and just having no idea where he was as he rolled to his side as he rested his throbbing head against his hand as he would do a slow rocking motion to help sooth his very much apparent hangover from last nights partying and drinking

While he was starting to recover from his hangover he would look around his surroundings to see where he could possibly be as it turns out he was near the edge of a cliff nearby the Gathering Hub

As Izuku would stand back up as he looks up towards the hub that was about roughly 20 feet above him as the trade market was down below how he got here wasn't exactly known to him other then some drunken venture

Izuku-'Eri is likely very worried about me right now best go and check up on her'

So with a stretch to loosen up any stiff joints Izuku would take aim with his slinger and fires as a hook would shoot out and sinks itself deep into the rock face of the mountain and taking a few steps back would run of the cliff and swings himself across while his slinger was bringing him in increasing his speed

Until the hook itself dislodges from the cliff as he goes flying up and lands in the cafeteria where Meowscular Chef was working on making dishes for everyone at Astera as the 2 would give each other a nod as their was no talking needed plus the chef was busy so no need to distract him

As Izuku would walk down the bridge then up the stairs that lead to his shared room as he would open the door as the room was lucky to be spared of any of his team mates drunken actions as Izuku would spot Eri who was currently holding a fire stone

It was a gift from a warrior who came from a land not of this world and yet despite that knew how to speak their language he called himself a Witcher as apparently he wasn't the only 1 to have come over from his world but a Leshen

A creature made out of bone and wood with strips of old flesh and cloak remains as its possessed by a spirit where it only exists to kill and corrupt which it had done to a bunch of Jagras

As the creature had ended up in the ancient forrest and thanks to the Witcher it had been dispatched as Izuku had actually assisted the Witcher by making sure none of the local monsters that didnt stay clear of the Leshen were distracted

At some points Izuku even got to see some small hints of Geralt of Rivia fight against the Leshen as that was the name of that warrior as Izuku even saw the Leshens corruption in action and just how powerful it was

If Izuku had to guess a full powered Leshen would be on the scales of a lesser Elder Dragon since if it was given time the creature would be capable of a catastrophe of course Izuku was envious of the Witcher for been able to fight such a beast but none the less the day was done

Unfortunately Izuku never got to say goodbye to the warrior since he was busy handling the after effects the Leshen left on the forrest but his handler did and it turns out the warrior had given him a gift

A stone that holds this magic? Inside of it that allows the user to call upon a flash of fire it was short range but increase with how strong the user is and the flames they are powerful but they cost alot of energy

Izuku-'Hey Eri intrested in the fire stone are we?'

Eri-'Yes does it really allow you to summon fire?'

Izuku-'Yes we can use this stone and harness the power that the wyverns can use'

Eri-'Really! So i can use this and breath fire like a dragon?'

Izuku-'No for no stone could ever come close to imitate the grandor of a dragons flame not even in the same league as the dragons true might with it come i will teach you how to weild this fire and soon do it without the stone in hand'

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