Chapter 7

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The students at U.A more specifically in Class 1-A are currently seated in their class as they have being waiting for their teacher to arrive as they have been chatting among themselves as their has been a recent buzz of a new blue star that had come out of nowhere in the night sky and its quiet a beautiful specatal

But they couldn't talk for long as their teacher Aizawa would come into the room as he was in his hero gear instead of his sleeping back

Aizawa-'Alright for today we are going out on an excursion to the USJ training facility its where your going to be doing rescue training'

He told them as the students would get excited as the USJ is 1 of the best places you can go to learn and better your quirk for any kind of scenario and can help you gain a starter insight on the kind of hero you would want to be when you graduate from your hero school

Aizawa-'Now get changed into your gym uniform and meet at the front as their will be a bus waiting now dont take too long other wise i will leave you behind now go'

He instructed his students which they would go right away to the changing rooms as Aizawa sighs as today was going to be a long one not only that but their was also a recent head light in the news about a park ranger that had been killed but how was the more gruelling part as it was stated the female ranger had being cut in half all the way though

So it immediately ruled out any animal in the area that could have caused it and Stain the hero killer because Stain kills by stabbing never before has he sliced anyone in half nore as he ever gone after park rangers

Since the hero killer operates within the city where a majority of "fake heroes" reside but that also meant that an entirely new killer is out their worst yet by the tracks showing mutiple different foot prints meant the killer wasn't alone and likely had back up

Which meant Aizawa had his work cut out for him when he has to go help search for the killer/s but right now that case was for the police since it was only 1 murder if it escalated to where pros are getting killed then its handed to the pros

But none the less Aizawa has got a busy day so he would grab his cup of coffee and takes a gulp of its necter as he was going to need all the energy he can have from how chaotic things might get with his students but could never guess what today was going to hold as he would make his way to the bus

As only 10 minutes later all of his students had gathered in their gym uniform and would board the bus as and once on the bus Aizawa would get into the driver seat as they would make their way to the USJ as the students would talk amongst each other namely what they are going to do and such

As the jounrey to the USJ wouldn't take long as the bus would park outside as everyone would disembark from the bus and made their way inside of the dome as they are amazed at the sight before them as its true as this place had everything

From simulations of ship wrecks, lava zones, deserts, floods, fake mini citys for earth quakes and much more as with them is the space hero Thirteen which she is Ochaco's favourite hero as she immediately reconised the hero

Ochaco-'Oh wow its the space thened pro hero Thirteen she is just so cool'

Thirteen-'Welcome everyone and welcome to the USJ where today your going to be learning a number of things  but today we are going to be focusing on resuce scenarios'

She said as the students began to bicker among themselves as they are even more excited as they do Aizawa would walk up to the Thirteen and would quietly ask her

Aizawa-'Where is All-Might?'

He asked as Thirteen would tap on her wrist and would reply

Thirteen-'He ran out of time and is currently rekaxing in U.A'

A Hunter in A Hero's World (Remastered)Where stories live. Discover now