Chapter 8

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The woodlands of the Old World are currently quiet and empty where no monster can be seen or heard for miles not even the smaller critters or bugs can be heard as the woodlands are empty but that wasnt the case for long as the sudden sound Thumps and Thuds coming from a ton of feet can be heard

As suddenly bursting though the trees was a Younger Izuku who was currently charging though the forrest while been followed by a small army of 30 pure bloods as they are leaping, ducking and vaulting over trees and any other debree as they are making their way somewhere where they will be............massacred

Izuku would awaken with a sudden gasp as he woke up from his dream no nightmare of that fateful day as his eyes would adjust to the rooms lighting as the roof is white in colour and around him are light green curtins

As the hunter would sit up noticing that he was also in a bed and that he no longer felt like shit but as Izuku would climb out of the bed he also noticed that he was no longer in his armour but was now wearing some kind of blue robe/gown which immediately the hunter did not like this as that meant their is a possibility that these human creatures saw what was on his back

And while he wasnt sure if these creatures understand what it was or if they knew Izuku was going to be taking zero chances with it so he rips open the curtins only to pauce when he saw his gear just right their practically next to the bed

Which the hunter would narrow his eyes what was going on here why would these creatures leave his gear and more noticeably his weapons here granted he was glad they are here but it made no sense and where was


Izuku would look over and would find his handler who had just entered the room

Izuku-'Edan your ok where are we?'

He would ask as Izuku would strip down out of this gown and keeping his back facing the wall as his heavily scarred and muscular lean body on full display

despite been naked infront of Edan she doesnt show a shocked reaction or anything outside of a small blush after all hunters especially those in groups tend to eaither bathe together or just change clothing in the same room

Since to them a body is just a body and that they had more important things to do such as hunt monsters or complete a task besides such interactions like this helps create or strengthen bonds from mostly share stories of great hunts or deadly battles with a monster among each other

And all of Izuku's battle scars and muscles are on full display which while Edan doesnt say anything she was most certainly going to be enjoying the free show while her partner changes into his armour

Edan-'Yea i am and we are in what i believe is a school Partner this world we are in its unbelievable and like nonthing we have ever seen these Wyvarianoid creatures have abilities and powers like the monsters in our world some even having powers fitting of an Elder Dragon'

Now that got Izuku's attention as he was looking over his LongSword and clicks it back into the sheath as during his time scouting out the giant city he had notice the creatures appear to weild the very powers of elder dragons and more

But more interestingly was that they are in a school why? Out all the places to end up waking up from whatever happened to him when he killed that monster in that dome why take him to a school? A question he wont begin to understand not like it matters

Izuku-'lets go we still need to find Eri'

Recovery Girl-'Oh my your awake'

Upon hearing the female voice both Handler and Hunter would look towards the doorway and would find a short old female with grey hair tied up into a bun with a comical size needle as her cane as she is wearing some kind of visor like glasses with pink pads on the side of the old females face as she is wearing a white medical outfit with pink boots as this is Recovery Girl

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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