Chapter 9: Party Crashers

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Warning: There will be violence, drugging, and kidnapping attempts. If any of that is triggering, please go to the next chapter.

The festival was in full swing. Under the bright, full moon, a large fire was burning while women danced to the sound of drums. Those who paid the fee to enter the Villa had an easier time communicating with them; some even danced with them. Those who didn't do that were forced to do it the usual way. Demonstrate their strength by brawling with each other.

Vice stands beside Lilian on the sidelines, watching everything. Seeing all the women enjoying themselves made her smile.

"Look at that, my love," Lilian cooed as she leaned her head on his arm. "Everyone is having so much fun. I bet father would be proud of me."

"Hm." Vice hummed in agreement, looking at Lilian with so much love and affection.

"My father entrusted me to mix the passion portion inside the juice. Usually, he would make me go away and babysit other women's cubs while they attended. I am so happy that he was willing to trust me more," Lilian stated happily before frowning as she thought about the scene she made this morning. "You do not think that father is still angry at me, right?"

Vice twitched when she mentioned the cold-hearted mayor. He was someone that Vice could never get a read on. While other beastmen worship the ground women walk on, Ginn treats them all with indifference, just enough politeness to not offend them.

'That includes his very own daughter,' Vice thought, gritting his teeth at the reminder that he only displays affection in front of the citizens. 'He is the most worthless beastman I have the misfortune of meeting.'

Lilian chose to treat his silence as a confirmation. She teared up at the thought that her action might have caused her father trouble again. Blinking it away, she looked up at the taller man, more determined to get rid of Alan.

"Do you still have the dagger?"

"..Yes," Vice answered before showing her the dagger made of Colossal's smallest tooth lanced with the poison of a Tapan snake. The very tooth of Colossal is enough to break through the toughest beast's skin; adding the poison of the deadliest beastman in the world creates a lethal weapon. "But are you certain?"

"That monster helped raid our city each year without fail," Lilian stated angrily, insulted by the question. "Even killing the ones that were just getting out of the way. For Beast God's sake! You are missing an eye!! It would not surprise me if he might have brainwashed that stupid woman to gain more access!! For the sake of Wild City, we need to nip this in the bud! As the next mayor, I will ensure this city is safe!"

Vice doubt that the lizard would bother to go through with something complex to get access to the women in their care. 'But it is not my right to correct my mate.'

"I will take care of it," Vice said, leaning down to kiss her. "I will make sure that he will not cause any trouble."

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