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I was driving my new car through town when my phone rang. Without thinking, I answered the call. However, what I hadn't realized was that my car had automatically connected the call to its speaker system, causing Nonna, who was not well-acquainted with modern technology, to freak out when she heard alpha Sebastian's deep voice.

"Where is that voice coming from?!" she shouted in a panic. She started looking around the car as if expecting a hidden intruder.

Nonna was determined to confront the mysterious voice, and her frantic search soon turned into a maniacal hunt for the source of the sound. I watched in disbelief as she began making threats and waving her hands around like a detective in an action movie.

To my horror, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small, antique pistol. My mom, who had been sitting in the backseat and was just as bewildered as I was, had her eyes widened in shock.

"Nonna, no!" I yelled, trying to maintain control over the wheel. "Put that away!"

The situation escalated quickly, and I could hear the voice on the other end of the call growing increasingly concerned. "Lilian, what's happening?"

Sweating profusely and with my heart pounding, I quickly explained, "It's my grandmother! She's... well, she's not familiar with this tech. Please don't be alarmed."

The voice on the phone, which happened to be the Alpha, sounded bemused but patient. "I see. I'll call back later when the chaos has subsided."

"Please do," I responded, my voice tinged with relief.

As I ended the call, I couldn't help but shake my head and chuckle. With Nonna around, even the simplest things could take a wild turn.

As the call with the Alpha ended, Nonna turned to me with a mischievous glint in her eyes. I could practically see the gears turning in her head.

"Who was that, dear?" she inquired, her tone laced with curiosity.

My eyes widened, partly in surprise and partly in disbelief. "Nonna, don't you start! Where the hell did you get the gun?"

But it was already too late. Nonna's smirk grew wider, and she gave me a suggestive wink. "Oh, dear, I never thought I'd say this, but that voice was quite attractive."

My face flushed with embarrassment, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Mom, who had been frustrated with her a moment ago, was now scolding her once more. "Nonna, you're impossible! You had a gun out, and now you're flirting with someone you just met over the phone?"

Nonna simply shrugged, a sly grin still playing on her lips. "Life is too short, my dear. One must embrace every adventure it brings."

And with Nonna, life was always a mess, whether you liked it or not.

As I stepped out of the car and into the bustling town, I knew a day of shopping was ahead. My Nonna had already made a beeline for the nearest pretzel vendor, excitedly ordering her snack, while my mom turned her attention to me.

"Lilian, dear, about the Alpha..." she began, a hint of concern in her voice.

I cut her off, not wanting to hear another word about the mystical bond that might or might not exist between me and the Alpha. "Mom, we've been over this. I'm not his mate. That himbo is just going to have to look harder."

My mom sighed, but she didn't push it further. Instead, she decided to tell me about the history of that pack, something I had repeatedly ignored. However, my attention was drawn elsewhere.

"Look, Mom, I appreciate your concern, but I need to make a quick call." I held up my phone, a hint of determination in my eyes.

She nodded, and we parted ways. My mom, with Nonna in tow, went to argue with the vendors while I found a quiet spot to call the Alpha. The phone rang, and a deep, authoritative voice answered.

The call with Alpha Callahan went something like this:

"Alpha Callahan speaking," came the deep, authoritative voice from the other end.

I took a deep breath, knowing the urgency of the situation. "Alpha Callahan, this is Lilian Shaw. You wanted to talk about something important."

Alpha Callahan's voice was serious. "Yes, Lilian. I do. Thank you for getting back to me. I've been investigating some unusual happenings within the pack, and I need your assistance in that matter."

Nonna and Mom were still haggling with vendors nearby, and I tried to maintain focus. "Of course, Alpha. I'm here to help. What can I assist you with?"

The Alpha began to explain, "It's about Sarah, one of our pack members. She's going through a severe manic episode, and I believe it's worse than we initially thought. It might even involve an external influence."

Concerned, I asked, "Was there anyone with her during this episode?"

Alpha Callahan replied, "The only one with her was her child."

I nodded, considering the situation. "I see. Do you think her child might be able to provide some insight into what's happening with her mother? Would it be possible to speak with the little one?"

The Alpha agreed, "Yes, it might be the only way to understand what Sarah's going through. I'll set up a speakerphone call with her child. Once we're ready, I'll contact you."

I agreed to assist, "That sounds reasonable, Alpha. Please let me know when you're ready to call, and I'll do my best to help."

With that, we concluded the call, and I gathered my thoughts, preparing for the challenging conversation I would soon have with Sarah's child, which would hopefully provide insight into the unsettling situation.

Turning the phone off I sigh stressed. My mom and Nonna comeback arguing about the pretzel and stop once they look at my face

"You've seen better days" Nonna says looking at me and taking a bite of her pretzel.

"There's a problem with the pack" I say with frown." I might have to cut our weekend short. It sucked because I hadn't seen them all week but poor Sarah. I knew she had a few loose screws but she really didn't deserve that.

"What's going on?" My mom ask concerned.

"It's a medical issue, hopefully" I say vaguely. "I'll drop you guys off and head out"

I raced to the pack house after dropping off my mom and Nonna, calling Alpha Callahan as I drove. He instructed me to meet him at the pack house; something was gravely wrong with Sarah, and she needed containment.

Upon arrival, I found Sarah as I had feared: afflicted by a curse, and it reeked of dark magic. I had seen such curses before; they were like insidious stains that could last for an eternity if not properly broken. However, the curse was like a trap - if I tried to intervene, it would backfire, causing me to wither and rot from the inside out. This was grim.

Sarah was a different person from the strange lady I had met at the café. Her eyes, once clouded with oddity, were now filled with malevolence. She lunged at the cell's bars, her movements feral and filled with hostility.

I knew that meddling with dark and luminous magic could be catastrophic. There was no easy solution, and I couldn't do anything that wouldn't risk harm to myself.

I found myself locked in a dilemma, trying to figure out how to handle this situation without bringing harm to the both of us. The looming darkness and evil that surrounded Sarah cast a deep shadow over the pack house, and my heart sank as I contemplated the dire circumstances.

A Witch's HowlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang