No because, you're right

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Lilian delved into her research about mythical creatures and witchcraft, reflecting on the past when her unique approach to casting spells had set her apart from other witches. She recalled her school days, where her classmates would confidently chant incantations while she struggled to keep up.

In class, they had emphasized that words alone held no power without the intent and the action behind them. For Lilian, though, her words often felt empty. She had discovered that by focusing less on the spoken incantations and more on the essence of the spell, it worked better for her. It was as if the spells had a mind of their own, and her thoughts guided their execution.

As she pored through the book, it delved into the concept of witchcraft and the significance of bloodlines. It emphasized the importance of one's magical lineage. However, Lilian's attention was soon drawn to a specific section that intrigued her.

Lilian was engrossed in the book, her curiosity piqued as she read about a legendary witch known as The Nocturnal. This enigmatic figure was unique in every way. She had practiced a form of witchcraft that required no spells, chants, or traditional rituals. Instead, she had the remarkable ability to conjure the most powerful spells ever witnessed by mankind. Her magic defied convention and had an ethereal quality that left those who witnessed it in awe.

What made The Nocturnal even more fascinating was the rumor that she had ventured into the realms of dark magic and had survived, uncorrupted by its malevolent forces. Lilian was shocked by this revelation and couldn't help but wonder if she could somehow reach out to this mystical figure from the past.

Turning to her computer, she began to research The Nocturnal. However, the further she dug into historical records, the more it became apparent that this witch had passed away approximately two thousand years ago. The chance of contacting her was impossible, leaving Lilian feeling both disappointed and intrigued.

But the most bizarre discovery was yet to come. In the book, she learned of a rumor that resurfaced through the centuries: there was a belief that in order for balance to be maintained in the world, a witch like The Nocturnal had to emerge in 3 centuries or so. This notion added a layer of mystery to the already complex world of witchcraft.

"Watcha doing?" A voice says from behind her. Shocked she jumps in horror and the window shattered.

"Donny!" She yells while getting up from the chair. "You fucking morón!"

"Geez, Im sorry" Donny said. "I didn't think you'd break the window"

Lilian glared at Donny, her irritation evident in her eyes. She waved her hand, and the shattered glass pieces slowly levitated back into place, reassembling the broken window as if in reverse motion.

"I can't believe you just snuck up on me like that," she scolded, her voice a mix of anger and relief that the damage wasn't permanent. "I was deep into something important."

"Sorry, Lil," Donny replied, still looking sheepish. "I didn't mean to startle you. I thought you heard me come in."

Lilian took a deep breath to calm her racing heart. "It's alright. But please, next time, just use the doorbell."

Donny nodded, feeling a bit embarrassed. "So, what's this important stuff you're working on?"

Lilian decided not to mention her recent discoveries about The Nocturnal or the cyclical nature of powerful witches. She glanced at her computer, then back at Donny. "Just some research on new spells, you know, the usual."

He raised an eyebrow but didn't press further. "Alright, Lil. I came by to see if you wanted to go to the pack fair. You've been cooped up in here for hours."

A Witch's HowlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon