okay so yeah

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As we reunite with Sebastian and Nathaniel outside the pack, relief floods over us all. Nathaniel wastes no time in getting things straight. "So, Sybil's cooked, and Matilda's a two-timing bitch who double-crossed us?" he asks, his tone firm.

Donny and I nod in agreement, sharing the sentiment. "That about sums it up," I confirm, my voice tinged with frustration.

Sebastian looks between us, concern etched on his face. "But did Sybil really help us?" he asks, his brow furrowed in confusion.

I take a moment to consider before responding. "From what I could tell, yes," I reply, recalling the events inside the pack. "She allowed me to take the stone, which could be crucial in uncovering the truth."

Sebastian nods, understanding dawning in his eyes. "Alright, then," he says, his voice resolute. "Let's regroup and figure out our next move."

As we pause to discuss our next move, Donny suggests, "We need to stay close to the pack. Sybil's in danger."

Sebastian's brows furrow in disbelief. "Sybil attacked my pack," he points out sharply.

I nod in agreement, but my voice softens as I explain, "Sybil's a lot, but she usually has reasons for her actions."

Sebastian's irritation grows evident, and he snaps, "She killed my father."

I meet his gaze evenly. "Do we know why she do that?" I ask calmly.

Sebastian's expression hardens. "I don't care about her reasons. Sybil is evil."

Nathaniel steps in, his voice firm. "Sebastian's right. Sybil is a threat to the pack."

With tensions rising, it's clear that we're at a crossroads. But as we weigh our options, one thing remains certain: Sybil's actions have consequences, and we must be prepared to face them.

Lilian steps forward, determined. "I'll stay behind," she declares.

Sebastian immediately opposes the idea. "Absolutely not," he insists.

Lilian rolls her eyes, her frustration evident. "You're against everything," she retorts sarcastically.

Sebastian's expression softens. "I care about your safety, Lilian. I need to protect you," he says sincerely.

Lilian's frustration boils over, and she snaps back, "If danger comes, I'll handle it."

Before the argument escalates further, Nathaniel intervenes. "If this pack has an archive, then our pack should have one too," he suggests.

Sebastian steps away from the argument with Lilian and nods in agreement. "There is," he confirms, redirecting the conversation towards a more productive solution.

Sebastian leans in close to Nathaniel and whispers the location of the archive. Nathaniel's brow furrows in confusion. "Why are you telling me?" he asks quietly.

Sebastian shoots a glance at Lilian, his tone annoyed. "Because she's not changing her mind about leaving this place," he replies. "Donny and you will need to grab it."

"I'm right here you ass" I reply angrily.

Sebastian looks back at me and nods. He looks back at Nathaniel and nods at him.

"I see, Donald, let's go" Nate instructs. Donny walks over and follows him to the car.

Sebastian walks back to my side as I begin to go into the forest again. "You know I'm tougher than I look?"

Sebastian's words hit me like a slap in the face. "Smarter than you look actually, Lilian," he says, his tone laced with frustration, "but you don't have to face everything alone."

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