Chapter 5

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"Your majesty! It was just as we'd expected, his majesty will be appointing that girl as his mistress!" Laura shouted, as Navier stopped, combing her hair.

"...He will?" Navier asks.

"While you've been busy all day preparing for the New Year's Ceremony, his majesty has been busy preparing to take her as his mistress!" Laura said, with an irk mark as she clenched her dress.

I would have been steeling myself for when Sovieshu would make that girl his mistress...but I didn't realized it would be this face.

"When will she be appointed?" Navier asks, sitting in front of a mirror, as Eliza walks over to her, sighing.

"According to the rumors, as soon as possible, before the New Year's Ceremony." She said.


"After the prime minister hands his majesty the notarized document, his majesty will sign it first, and then you should sign below him." Baron Lante explained.

"I's just that I...I don't have a signature." Rashta said, as she sweats nervously.

"Oh, don't worry, you can make one right now."

Rashta then started to fidget in her seat.

"Well...I..." She said, but was too embarrassed.

'Oh...!' He thought. "Could it be that you don't know how to write?"

At that moment, Rashta blushed in embarrassment.

"That's nothing to be ashamed of." He assured, sliding her a pen and paper. "You can start learning, for today, I'll teach you how to write the letters of your name...oh, that's right, her majesty might send you a gift."

"A gift?" Rashta asks, confused.

"The royal residence belongs to the Empress, so according to custom, the empress sends the mistress a welcome gift to show that she recognizes the mistress and accepts her into the royal household."

"Do you think her majesty will give me a gift too?" Rashta beamed.


"I will not." Navier answers, sitting on her desk while doing some paperwork.

While Y/N was at the floor, playing with her stuffed animals.

While Y/N was at the floor, playing with her stuffed animals

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"What a relief." All three ladies-in-waiting sighs. "We were afraid you might send that girl a gift as custom dictates."

There are three main reasons an empress would send a mistress a gift, first, if they are friends, second, if the mistress is a high-ranking noble, or third, if the mistress if of the same bloodline as the empress, but Rashta doesn't fall into any of these categories, so why would I go out of my way to send her a gift? And am I to send it along with a message saying, "Please look after my husband"? It's ridiculous.

"Don't worry, there's no reason for me to send her one." Navier assured.

"if only Laura was here to hear you say that, why, she would've absolutely jumped for joy." The lady-in-waiting that had her hair in a higher bun, and held a fan, said. "Oh, that's right! Is the rumor true, your majesty?"

"Rumor?" Navier asks, confused.

"That the prince from the Western Kingdom will be in attendance for this year's New Year's Ceremony, I heard he's absolutely gorgeous, that one look into his eyes is enough to captivate any woman! But I also heard he's as stubborn as a mule, he's caught up in a whirlwind of rumors of being involved with many women, yet the fact that has fathered no you think the rumor about him being a seedless watermelon is true? But in any case, is he really coming?!"

Navier sweatdrop and nervously laugh, as they leaned towards her over this mysterious, dashing prince.

"I can't verify the truth of those rumors, but, yes, he is coming to this year's New Year's Ceremony." Navier slightly laughs, as knocking is heard. "Come in."

A man then came in with a huge chest.

"Your majesty, Grand Duke Rylan Roth of Winchester sends his regards with a gift of the finest silks in all of the Eastern Empire." He said.

'He's at it again.' Navier thought, sighing. "Tell him I'm grateful, but that just his regards are enough."

Grand Duke Rylan Roth of Winchester is an extended family member of Sovieshu, and Y/N's distant uncle...who has no interest in the throne, but has a strong thirst for power, he regularly sends bribes so he can try to request special favors in return.

"He's a determine one, isn't he?" Eliza asks, once the man leaves the room.

"Yes, he is." Navier slight laughs, resting her head over her hand.

"Come, take a break, your majesty, it's teatime." Eliza said, putting a tray that has a teapot and teacups down.

"Y/N, come here, dear." She said, gaining the little girl's attention, as she sat by the table. "Sigh, how fragrant."

"Pardon the interruption, your majesty." The man said, as he walked back in. "But Lady Rashta wishes to see you."

"...Rashta?" Navier asks, before gripping her teacup.

Oh...but I wish I did not have to see her.

"She may enter." Navier said, as Rashta walks in.

"Your majesty, it's so nice to see you again, it's me, Rashta!" She said.

Luckily, hiding my emotions in unpleasant situations has become second nature to me.

"...Unlike the last time we met, his majesty has taken you as his mistress." Navier said. "Congratulations."

"Thank you!"

"So, what brings you here?" Navier asks.

"What brings me here?" Rashta said, confusing Navier. "To see my sister and step-daughter, her majesty and the Young Miss!"

At that moment, Eliza spit out her tea, coughing.

"...What? Sister? Step-daughter?" Navier asks, in disbelief.

"We're sister now because we have the same husband! And that make's me Y/N's step-mother!" Rashta said, making Navier appalled.


"So...can I call you big sister from now on?"

To Be Continued~

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