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(Enids POV)

I'm going to talk about what happened with Wednesday in the closet.
I have thought a whole 3 days about it.
Mostly about her.
I can't think about anything else right now.
She's just such a sweetheart and we've been pretty close lately. I really want to believe that she likes me back but the chances of that are so low that I don't even want to think about them.
But I want to talk about the kiss.
And see where it goes.
So I enter the dorm.

(Wednesdays POV)

I have thought about what happened.
If I'm honest it is the only thing I've thought about.
I haven't written a single page in my novel.
I've also thought about what Charlotte said.
And I really don't know what is happening to me.
I can't explain my feelings towards Enid.
They don't feel like with Eugene.
They feel bigger.
Maybe I adore Sinclair.
And I realize I do love her.

Enid opens the door and steps inside.
"Hi wens!"
"Hello Enid. Are your headaches gone? Do you need something?"
"No I'm totally awesome! I actually did Want something though... can I talk to you for a sec?"
"What is it. Make it quick it's my writing time soon."
"Well Wens... I really think we should talk about our kiss. In the closet."
I have to ignore my feelings for now, I'll wait for the right time.
That kiss was a stupid and immature thing to do.
"It was a stupid thing to do." I say.
"Then why did you do it?"
Enid asks.
"I don't know."
"Be honest with me wens."
I sigh.
"I wanted to."
Sinclair stares at me for a moment, before continuing with her interrogation.
"And when I kissed Ajax. Why did you leave?"
Enid asks.
"Because I was mad."
"At what."
"That you kissed your ex obvious."
"Does that make you jealous?"
"Stop sounding like my Therapist."
"Wens please..."
"Fine maybe a tiny little bit. Happy?"
"Does that mean you like me?"
I turn around.
Enid has moved and is very close to me now.
I can hear her breathe.
"Wens... I think I... really like you. And I'm fully aware that you probably don't because you don't love anyone but I just had to say it. Sorry."
I Look at her.
"The feeling is too mutual."
My plan lasted around 2 minutes.
I just can't do anything that includes common sense with this girl.
And she looks at me and I kiss her.
I really really kiss her.
I'm so fucking stupid around this girl but I can't do anything else.
Around her I just can't think straight.
(Literally lmao😭)

(Enids POV)

Omg. I am Kissing the girl I like and she likes me back!!!!
We don't stop After 1 min either. We are like full on making out.
I feel myself get red.
I put my hands around her face to pull her in and she puts hers around my neck.
She mumbles something and pulls away.
Both our faces are the matching red flush and I can see a faint smile curve at her lips.
"You drive me crazy Cara Mia."
And I smile at the nick name, knowing what it means and hold her for a second more, before giving her some private space.

(Wednesdays POV)

I mourn a bit at the loss of her physical touch, and stare back at her.
She opens and closes her mouth like a fish, and then proceeds to ask me.
"Would you consider being my girlfriend wens?"
"It would be my pleasure."

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