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(Wednesdays POV)

It's currently 11 pm and I can't sleep.
Enid is already snoring but I can't.
I don't usually have issues with this but tonight...
I guess it's because to much happened today.
If I think about it I won't be able to fall asleep for the rest of the night.
But I do and realize I will get absolutely no fucking sleep.
Good lord, really Wednesday?
Pull yourself together.


(Enids POV)

I wake up to hearing shower sounds come from Wens bathroom. I check the time and it's... 8:30 AM?! OMFG I OVERSLEPT! SCHOOL STARTS IN HALF AN HOUR!!!!!
Wens leaves the bathroom.
I still can't believe what happened.
As I stand up she says
"Sinclair, be quick, I want to walk to class with you."
I blush a little.
"Really Wenss... I would love to walk to class with you!"
"Sinclair I swear to god."
"Fine fine. I won't push it! Gonna go get ready now!!!"
"Be quick."
I get ready as fast as I can.
Wich is 25 min.
I open the door and Wednesday stands next to it.
"We are most probably going to be late. Come on Sinclair. Let's go."
I grab my back pack and together we leave out the door. There's allot going on but Wens just moves around the people as if she knows exactly where to go even though I have absolutely no orientation through this crowd.
"Wens wait!"
She stops.
"What now?"
"I'm scared I'll lose you in the crowd..."
"That would be fortunate."
Then she think a moment before grabbing my hand.

We land in front of the classroom door.
"Do we even have class together?"
I ask.
"No, I'll see you at break. Or you could text me I guess."
"Just go to class Sinclair."
I love wens so much!

(Wednesdays POV)

I wander back through all the people to my classroom.
I'm already 5 min and 24 sec late but the teacher is too because today is open door day for outcasts who might want to attend nevermore in the future.
All the teachers had to greet them.
I sit down in a corner and hope to not be noticed by Xavier, but he does anyways and comes toward me.
"Go away."
I say
"Good morning to you too!"
He says.
"Go sit next to someone else Xavier. I don't want to talk to you right now."
"Well I do."
I just roll my eyes as he puts his stuff next to mine.
Then my phone blings.
I hide it from him and check who it is.
Sinclair - one new message: "Hey wens!!!! Wanna skip class today with me🤭🤭"
I text back: "Sinclair what did I tell you about the faces. Also no, I am perfectly fine in class."
Enid replies: "I wanted to meet you at the greenhouse but..."
I text back: "Be there at 3rd period. Don't be late."
I just close my phone because the teacher comes in.
Xavier asks "who were you texting?"
"Actually, I believe that's none of your business."


It's 3rd period and I am behind the greenhouse.
I can hear as Sinclair approaches.
"Hi wens!"
"Hello Sinclair."
We stare at each other for a second.
"Wens... did you miss me?"
She asks,
"No it hasn't even been 1 hour and 30 min since I've seen you last. How would I miss you already."
That's a lie. I did.
"Well I did!" She responds.
"Yes?" She asks.
It's to late, I've kissed her.

(Enids POV)

She kissed me again!!!
She's smaller than me so I lean down a bit and her hands land in my hair, messing around with it while we kiss.
I bring my hands to her thighs and then to her neck.
I move and Pin her against the greenhouse wall so she can't pull away again.
Even though she is normally in control, when we kiss she becomes quite vulnerable.
I love that.
She stutters.
I love it when she does that cause it's so fucking hot.
So I move my kisses down to her neck.
And just like that I have found Wednesday Addams soft spot.
Neck kisses.

(Wednesdays POV)

As soon as Sinclairs lips touch my necks I get very red.
I lean my head against the wall and clutch her hands.
I close my eyes.
I want to say something but I can't.
All I can manage is
"S... Sinclair-"
I go really red.
I've never experienced this.
I start breathing hard.
I try not letting out any sounds.
I try pulling myself together.
I cant.
I am breathing very fast, my heart rate going insane.
So am I.

(Enids POV)

I cannot believe I get to see wens like this.
As I finally pull away I step back and she collapses down on the floor.
She pants and puts her head in her knees.
I know she is blushing, there is no hiding it and and as I crouch down and ask "Wens, are you ok?" She looks at me and her eyes are moving way to quickly.

When she finally calmed down she stands up and we don't talk on the way back.
When we arrive for lunch she goes to Eugene and I join Yoko and the others.
I don't speak allot though.
I mostly stare at Wens.
She mostly stares at me.

(Wednesdays POV)

I'm going to kill Sinclair.
I cannot believe this.
Eugene is talking about his bees but I'm not really listening.
I'm trying to give Sinclair the worst death stare I can, wich is hard when she gives me worried looks back.
"Wednesday? Are you listening?" Eugene asks.
"What? Oh yes of course. I don't zone out. Also about those bees in hive 5..."
I talk to Eugene a bit but by the end of the conversation I have forgotten everything.
I need to get to class.
Next class is with Sinclair.
I can't face her yet.
I haven't even fully stoped my heart from racing.

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