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(Enids POV)

I enter the classroom and see a free spot next to Wednesday.
I start walking toward it and when Wednesday notices and her eyes get big for a second.
She stares and then looks down at her paper.
I love it when she is like this.
"Hi wens!!!!!"
She nods as a greeting "Hello Sinclair"
"Sooooooo, what are you writingggg?"
"I'm planning for my novel."
"What are you planning?"
"A new character."
"Who is she?"
"A girl that helps viper with her cases, who eventually kisses her and they might be together. I don't know quite yet."
I smile because I know who this character is supposed to resemble but I don't say anything, as the teacher comes in and Wednesday removes the paper from her desk.


(Wednesdays POV)

Today is therapy so after class I take the shuttle to Jericho.
Charlotte greets me again and immediately says
"Have you thought about my question?"
"And have you come up with an answer?"
"What did you come up with Wednesday?"
"She's my girlfriend, what do you think."
"Oh? How did this happen?"
"Can we not talk about that right now?"
"Why not?"
"I don't want to talk about Sinclair with you."
"You have a nickname for her?"
This is so stupid.
"... Yes."
"Ok and why do you not want to talk about Sinclair?"
"Call her that one more time and I will end you."
"Ok sorry. Enid."
"Because. She's only mine. I don't want to talk about her to anyone else but herself."
"I see."
She scribbles some stuff on her paper and then looks at the time.
"I see you are very protective over Enid."
"I guess so."
"We'll continue this conversation on Sunday! Sessions over! See you next time Wed-"
I'm out the door again before she can finish.


I enter the dorm and Sinclair is in my bed.
"Sinclair. Get out."
"But Wensssss... your bed is so comfortable..."
"I don't care, get out"
I sigh and go to my table because I really want to write my novel after all those days where I haven't continued it.
"Wenssss, come here I wanna watch a movie with you."
"Sinclair I am trying to write."
"I don't care!"
"I need to."
"Ajax would watch it with me."
That hurt. I turn to look at her and as she realizes what she said she looks away.
"Stop talking about him."
"Sorry. I just want you to know that he wasn't that bad of a boyfriend."
"Sinclair, he literally abandoned you when you wolfed out and then made you walk home, you could be sick and he wouldn't care, the only times you met you would just kiss, and he didn't even have a nickname for you. I consider that a very bad boyfriend."
"Well he wouldn't run away all the time and he actually had time for me."
I freeze.
"Ever since that kiss where you freaked out you basically have been ignoring me."
I stare at her.
"And we've never been on a date."
"We've been together for a week."
"That's enough time!"
I cant say anything.
For the first time I am hurt by words.
"We haven't done anything to indicate a relationship other than kiss too."
Don't. Say. It.
"Your just like Ajax!"
That's enough.
I cant.
"You think you're so much better than him Wednesday? At least he wouldn't freak out and run away after we kissed!!!"
She called me by my name.
I would be arguing,
If it weren't Sinclair.
I cant say anything.
She's right.
I'm a horrible girlfriend.
I run out the door and the first place I think of going is Cracstones crypt.

(Enids POV)

Of course she ran.
That's what I've experienced 2 times today from her.
Why doesn't she stay.
I must say I was harsh.
Some of it was true but...
Most of it was really not.
I'm so sorry but she really should get better at this, talking about stuff.
I don't know where she went so I decide to wait.

(Wednesdays POV)

So, so, so, so, stupid.
I'm so stupid.
I arrive at Cracstones crypt and I'm very much out of breath.
I sit and I think.
About how much I hate myself.
About how Sinclair deserves better,
And how I'm just as much as the person I hate,
I cant.
I don't feel anything.
I'm mad but I can't feel it.
I need to feel some kind of pain.
I get the knife out of my pocket that I have with me for protection all the time.
And I cut myself.
One time lighter.
And then the next time very deep.
I put the knife to the side and deal with the pain.
I deserved it.


(Enids POV)

Now I'm worried.
Wens is still not back.
Where is she?
I have a very bad feeling and I decide to take my jacket and run out.
I look for a long time.
Nightshade library,
Even the Gates house,
But I don't find her.
Only one place.
Cracstones crypt.
I sprint there, gladly I'm not to far away.
When I arrive Wednesday is lying on the steps, a deep cut on one arm, and a smaller one on the other.
Her eyes are closed.
I panic.
"Sinclair..." she manages to say before completely losing consciousness.
I cry as I carry her back.
I also take her knife so we can run dna tests on who did this to her.
I'm scared she did it herself.
I'm scared for her.
Please don't die.

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