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S2 E1raindrops keeps falling on my head

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S2 E1raindrops keeps falling on my head

"SO..." GEORGE TRAILS OFF, as the pair walk to the nurse's station.

"You don't have to speak." Maddison tells him.

"Oookay." George nods.

"Hi. Can I have the chart for E19, please? Thank you." Maddison asks the nurse and George takes it from the nurse. "Umm..."

"What?" Maddison asks, looking at where he was looking. "Oh."

"Oh, good, you're here. Let's get started." Chief tells them, as they walk into his room.

"Ok." George nods and starts examining him.

"O'Malley?" Chief calls him.

"Yeah?" George asks.

"You're touching me." Richard says.

"Yeah." George nods.

"No. Carmen-" He motions for the nurse to leave, then turns to the intern. "I want you to listen to me very carefully. As long as I'm in here, I don't know what's happening out there. With my doctors. My patients. My hospital. You are my eyes today, my ears. I want you to be a sponge."

"A sponge?" George raises his eyebrows.

"You repost any and everything happening in this hospital to me." The Chief tells him.

"I'm an investigative sponge." George repeats.

"I'm not fooling around, O'Malley. There's too much been happening lately under my radar. It stops today." Richard tells him, making Maddison roll her eyes.

"Okay, that's enough." Maddison tells them. "You go sponge." The girl tells George and he walks out. "And you, are going to let me examine you."

"What are you doing here?" Richard questions, uncomfortable. "I only requested O'Malley."

"Yeah, well, Bailey had the good sense of sending me too." Maddison tells him, pointing the light in his eyes, and Richard tries to remove her hands. "She probably knew you'd walk all over him and scare him off."

"I can do that to you too, Sloan." Richard narrows his eyes.

"Try it." Maddison raises an eyebrow, challengingly. "You might be the Chief, but right now you're a patient who's also my Uncle Rich, so you're going to stop trying to boss me around and let me freaking examine you and you're going to be quite while I'm doing that."

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