79 | where did you even hide it?

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S3 E3sometimes a fantasy

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S3 E3
sometimes a fantasy

MEREDITH WAKES UP from her dream, hearing a groan in the hallway.

"Ow!" George's voice comes.

Meredith tries to go back to sleep, but the thumping sound comes again. She gets up and opens her bedroom door, and sees George struggling with some boxes which were flooding the hallway.

"Damn! Stupid! Ow!" George groans.

"I was having a really good dream and you ruined it." Meredith tells him, groggily.

"Sorry. These boxes... Oh there boxes!" George tells her, gesturing to the boxes.

"Okay, Mer, this is so not funny anymore." Maddison groans, walking up. "Can you please just give me my stuff back."

"No." Meredith replies, childishly.

"Come on!" Maddison sighs. "It's not like I'm moving across town! Liam's place is barely 5 miles!"

"You're not moving out!" Meredith refuses. "I am not letting you."

"Meredith!" Maddison tells her. "Where did you even hide it?!"

"You're never going to find out." Meredith replies, as Maddison looks around at the boxes littering the hallway.

"What, was their an earthquake here?" Maddison questions.

"Callie said she was bringing her stuff over and... it's all here." George tells them.

"It's okay George, I don't mind." Meredith says.

"I don't mind either. Nah, I don't mind a bit." George nods, then moves towards the two girls, lowering his voice. "Kick her out."

"What?" Meredith asks confused. "I can't kick her out."

"Weren't you the one who told her she could move in?" Maddison raises an eyebrow.

"That she could stay for a couple of days, a couple of days! It's been over a week. Now there are boxes and she's using my computer and she's here all the time." George tells them, pleading turning to Meredith. "Would you kick her out? Kick her out now."

The bathroom door opens and Callie walks out,  a red towel wrapped around her.

"Hey, you guys might want to wait a little while, there's no more hot water." She tells them, walking up to the boxes, to pick some clothes out.

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